The new year 2022 is near and for this end of the year, as usual, let’s take a look at everything that has been done with a look towards the new year. This last year has been one of the most difficult but productive years ever for brand new features have been released which have allowed everyone to enjoy an ever-updating platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - . Earlier this year in January 2021 we simply explained what it means for our entire platform to upgrade to PHP8 engines with improved performance, speed and security of the entire infrastructure; and therefore, after the bad past year, we have decided to make an appointment for April where we have announced brand new features. in February 2021 we decided to make public some insights regarding our platform, for this reason the post regarding the new statistics platform for audience and moderators was created and called “MYETV INSIGHTS“.
The month of March 2021 was the beginning of the big change of MYETV and, since the first day of March, we have started working on the updates of April. We started with the release of GPS and GEOLOCATION for the whole world; immediately, then, the work focused on the updates of April 2021 and the dedicated post, called “April 2021 – The (un)Limited Update“, was created in mid-March; although this post has had a lot of updates, the month of March/April 2021 has not yet been the months with the most updates of the year. These months have been dedicated to creating new features for everyone such as the ability to silence a content or an entire network of content and a new dedicated app for TV to download for supported devices; in the start of the month of April 2021 we have launched our new “(un)Limited Collection” in our official merchandise store; we ended April 2021 talking about the HTML5 GAMEPAD API and how we implemented the various controls for the remote controls and gamepads on the application dedicated to televisions.
The months of June 2021 together with that of July 2021 are the months with the most updates, in July 2021 we wrote a post a day until the 13th to celebrate MYETV’s 13th birthday; this anniversary was one of the most productive ever we introduced new features, updated the previous ones and we started to focus the work on new MYAPPS to offer to the content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - networks. Start from July 01 2021, as already siad, we have released one post every day till the 13th day: we started talking about how to give MYCOINS to content networks, simply by recommending a content; we then talked about the lists of contents (or list of favourities), those special private lists that can be created once you have registered your account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - on MYETV and can be visible only by the registered user; during the month of July 2021 we then wanted to listen to our users and add new exclusive features of privacy and security for those who share content- [Sharer: the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] - and we have updated the advanced content options; we then created a single page to list all the colored themes with which MYETV can be customized and again in July 2021 we created a particular colored theme dedicated to Italy’s victory in the 2021 European football championships;
we then decided to extend the functionality of the various networks of contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - by adding images and other things to the filters of the pages of the networks; we have finished the updates of the month of July 2021 with important security innovations such as two-factor authentication (via email) and the new artificial intelligence for the contents moved to the recycle bin and the automatic (or manual) deletion of the same. In August 2021 we then added a new MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - for networks of contents called “PAY TO FOLLOW“; thanks to the exchange of MYCOINS the owners of the networks of contents are able to earn money by invite registered users to subscribe to their own network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - . In September 2021 we presented the new platform where you can get information about your account, or create a new one; for this we have begun to explain the new special accesses for registered users and the limits connected to them;
at the end of September 2021 we presented a new login- [Login: an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] - interface with a new login mode called “Device Association Login“. In October 2021 we started our awareness campaign for tree planting all over the world thanks to tree-nation you can help us grow our forests; in the same month we’ve updated other MYAPPS- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - and adding new features such as “Map Markers“, “Image Advertising” and the new “Series“; I released a post that talks about artificial intelligence aimed at including people, thanks to some free time that I have carved out; at the end of October 2021 we introduced the new post for the new dedicated application for AndroidTV devices and we started the big update for the halloween 2021 celebrations called “halloweek 2021“. Thus we arrive at the month of December 2021 where we started wishing happy holidays to everyone by announcing new updates to MYAPPS and various new features of the platform; during the month of December 2021 the domain landed to the large Cloudflare family, ensuring speed, performance and security; to date, the entire domain is registered and maintained by Cloudflare Inc ensuring confidentiality from the first DNS request. The updates and surprises for this month are not yet fully completed and will continue into the following month.
For the new year 2022 we hope to be able to continue updating the new features and to create new ones starting from two new internet domains that we have acquired for the new year: and
Last year we wrote that “game changers” will revolutionize our platform, and they did; MYETV has grown so much that now we can afford our own store, our own virtual currency and our own payment system. This has been a real revolution for our platform, while still keeping the free account useful and fun to use. To date, we have a pay-per-view system and a pay-to-follow system to meet every need; we have an account security platform available to everyone on and we’ve created tons of new features for you to discover. 2021 was a year of rebirth for us also thanks to all the initial developers who came together to create something new. Thank you all, this is a victory that we dedicate to all of you and that we hope will bring us a lot of work for the next year full of surprises!
That’s all, folks! Thanks for reading this and we wish you a good end of the year 2021 and a nice new year 2022.