Advertising (publisher)

The MYAPP “Advertising (publisher)” is a complete suite of publication of advertisements for publishers available on MYETV with that all networks can take advantage of for graphic promotions (banners) inside the contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] or in the network-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] homepages; this MYAPP can be activated only if the Account-[Account]: [an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] of the owner is verified and is available to be deployed in every networks of contents.


This app can be deployed inside any network of contents-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] and/or inside any contents and brings the power of publish advertising to all the platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] and earn; at the moment of the creation or edit the owner can choose: the name of the app (to recognize it), the description (a free description of what is), the position (contents or network of contents), the type of adv (MYCOINS revenue) with a ceckbox that indicates if the adv must be showed for every content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] of that network (without to select one by one), the icon of the app (optional). Graphics will be an image banner, gif, video in any size that will fit in 768 pixels of witdh and 100 pixels of height. If the selected position is only “contents” then the app will be shown in the list of the MYAPPS in the edit content page; if the selected position is “network” then the MYAPP will show the creativities inside the network where it is deployed; if positions are not selected then the MYAPP is like deactivated and no earning s are cumulated.

MYCOINS revenue (advertising from
The AD code is completely managed by MYETV with a random order (reccommended choice) and the owner of the network-[Network Owner]: [the owner(s) of the referenced network of contents (or Network)] can earn MYCOINS that can be transferred directly in the wallet of the owner of the MYAPP-[MYAPPS]: [applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network], every 31 days from the moment of the activation of the app; if you disable and then enable again the app all the earnings will reset and the app will re-count the earnings from that day. MYCOINS earned with this app cannot be converted as real value credit and will be transferred directly in the wallet of the owner as MYCOINS (or one of the owners of the network who press the button) only after pressing the button called “TRANSFER MYEARNINGS” in the MYAPP Dashboard; if you forget to press the button, MYCOINS will always be able to be transferred after that period of time but the system will start the earnings of the next MYCOINS from the date you decided to press the button; presisng the button is completely manually and not automatic. The AD code is safe and the graphics comes from; with this option selected an inline content ads will be shown (if present) before watching any contents, thanks to the ads registered with the Advertising App for Advertisers (for every networks). The ads will also be displayed based on the filters selected by the advertisers.


The Advertising MYAPP can be deployed in more different position:

network“: with this selected position the app will be shown in the selected network page before every others contents (usually in the header)

content” with this selected position the app can be selected in the page “edit content” and it will be shown inside the selected content or when the user open it also from the timeline

Show ADCode in every content of the Network“: with this option selected in every content of your Network will be shown the adcode


Earnings may vary based on the number of views (1 MYCOIN for every 10,000 views) and based on the account used (special accounts-[Special Accounts]: [an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] have a higher earnings depending on which special account-[Special Accounts]: [an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] is active). Every 31 days it is possible to withdraw a minimum of 4 MYCOINS if the MYAPP remains active and visible for all 31 days and the MYAPP have reached at least 500 visits from any views (numbers of views/visitors can change based on various factors and are intended to be reached every 31 days, both conditions must be satisfied; if one condition is satisfied and the other is not, you must wait for both to be satisfied).


  • To accessAccess [the simple access to a website as a visitor] at the feature the owner must have an own Network of Contents and must have access to MYAPPS-[MYAPPS]: [applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network]
  • MYAPPS Guidelines and limits
  • MYCOINS terms of services
  • Content network-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] owners can create a “MYAPP Advertising (publisher)” for each content network they own
  • The ADS code will be managed by and you will earn MYCOINS every 31 days, if the ads reached a minimum of 500 views; you must be logged in and press the button in the MYAPP Dashboard to transfer the MYCOINS directly in your wallet
  • Numbers of required views/visitors (minimum 500) can change based on various factors and are intended to be reached every 31 days, both conditions must be satisfied; if one condition is satisfied (date) and the other is not (views), you must wait for both to be satisfied
  • Every 10.000 views 1 MYCOIN will be added to the total earned (20.000 = 2 MYCOINS and more)
  • The earnings will going in the private wallet (of the owner who press the button) and cannot be transfered as real value money
  • The earnings cannot be refounded after being transfered to the wallet
  • After pressing the button the date will be reset and you will have to wait another 31 days to being able to transfer the next MYCOINS in your wallet
  • MYCOINS cannot be cumulated by the earnings system; if you forget to press the button, you can always transfer your earnings in the wallet but the system will start to count the next MYCOINS from the date you pressed the button
  • You cannot earn more MYCOINS if the past time is more than 31 days; first you need to withdraw the MYCOINS and then it will be possible to earn more
  • The transaction is instantly and  MYCOINS earned can be spent over the platform like if you have purchased them
  • MYCOINS used for the Advertising service cannot be refunded or changed with real value money

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