We’re pleased to welcome you to the 14th anniversary of MYETV at 1 July 2022; 14 years are many, for this we have prepared a lot of updates and news; our domain myetv.tv saw the light for the first time in 2008 and over the years has secured a front row seat because we have always done what we said. MYETV is a television social platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - but unlike the others, it does not build you; but you are the one who builds the whole platform. This is to tell you that our IT experts didn’t want a platform built on you (like with personalized ads or trackers), but instead wanted you to make the whole platform. Anyone can propose something new and anyone can propose it to everyone. This is one of the reasons we are so long-lived. Let’s talk now about the news of this anniversary and remember that this document will be updated with new features throughout the whole month:
The new Twitter Bootstrap5 is out of beta from today and officially the new graphical framework of MYETV
- Two new MYETV’s theme to celebrate this 14 years:
- Summer 2022: this theme colors is a mix with Glacier Lake color and Coca Mocha color with a shadows of white
- The Warmer: this theme color is a mix of the Orange color and Yellow Gold color with a shadows of black
- To celebrate the 14 years, a lot of posts will be published on this blog in the first 14 workers days of the month of July
A new collection with new products and design are added to the merchandise shop at adplatform.myetv.tv
- This blog and the adplatform are renewed with new performance updates, new icons and zero trust security updates
- A new Special Account called “Platinum” is developed and now will show price in MYCOINS (MY€) and real value in € (€uro) and the price can be viewed for monthly (30 days) or yearly (365 days) subscriptions; now notifications are sent when an account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - is activated or deactivated.
- Special Account now can be deactivated manually any time with the primary email associated to the account (coming soon)
- Surprise: A long-awaited feature has finally been added only for registered users, namely the ability to select “Recently Viewed Content by Me“; this new option will allow you to synchronize the contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - seen by your account on all different devices and platforms directly on the main timeline. User must be registered and signed in to use this feature.
- New “Interactive Help” in the main menu of MYETV to have a tour with description of all the available features, to start the tour just press on the button “Interactive Help” in the main menu or add ?tour=interactivehelp to the url or access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - with direct link https://www.myetv.tv/?tour=interactivehelp
- The PEGI feature for the contents is expanded with max of 4 secondary selections (actually was just one); the primary still apply automatic moderation to contents, while the secondary restrictions are just informative
- The button “show only who i follow” is now renamed to “Additional Timeline Filters” and it is a set of features and it contains all the filters that can be applyed to the entire timeline, including the button “show only who i follow”; feature only for logged-in users
- New unique favicons and icon for all the paltform (also all the subdomains and external social networks)
- Native App- [Native Applications: the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] - with updated design and new icons with source code at downloadapp.myetv.tv:
- Android: added live recordings, where available, and fixed native features; can be downloaded at Google Play store
- AndroidTV: the app is still on testing and coming soon
- WebOS: the app is on testing for LG Electronics TV devices and coming soon
- FireOS: the native app now supprots also all the Amazon mobile devices and can be downloaded at Amazon’s appstore
- FireTV: the native app support all the Amazon FireTV devices and can be downloaded at Amazon’s appstore
- Microsoft: the app can be officially downloaded at Microsoft Store
- MYCOINS will be also called from today MY€OINS (or MY€)
- MYAPPS updates and new features:
- The GameApp is deprecated, the “Builder HTML+JS (IDE)” feature is moved to the MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - called “Bock Notes”
- Addedd the new “Download Content” MYAPP – finally the owner of a content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - can have the possibility to show the download button under the contents of the entire network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - or just one content, clicking the download button the content can be downloaded to watch it offline; for link sharing it will redirect to the original url.
- Name changed from “Download/Links” to “Link Custom URL“
- Name changed from “Advertising” to “Advertising (publisher)“
- Added the new MYAPP “Advertising (advertiser)“
- *NEW*: the MYAPP system now have dedicated statistics with the number of time a MYAPP is viewed by the audience
- From now the MYAPP “Playwall Custom Event” is visible also in the network homepage
- Added the new MYAPP called “Translate Text” to translate the contents in more than 20 different languages
- New Advertise Dashboard at https://adplatform.myetv.tv/ads/ (under construction)
- The Message Center has just been improved for everyone
- The autocomplete in the search engine- [Search Engine: is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] - just got better
- The sharer- [Sharer: the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] - is updated to support more external urls and a new share text feature is on beta testing from today
- The Access Control is updated with “Device List” and new features
- Added the “scheduled programming” and the “instant publish” and added the “My Calendar” in the new “Dashboard” at the top of the screen (for webbrowser and computer version only); the “My Calendar” feature contain all the posts of the account and it’s private and visible only for that account and all the network associated to it
- More Privacy: added an option to make all the contents of the network to not show them on MYETV‘s homepage, all the contents on the network will show up only in the network page.
- Fast File Transfer: the MYCLOUD now supports fast file transfer to another MYCLOUD
- The “Slot Machine Game“ 5 free Game Credits every day will be available only for who have activated one of the “special accounts- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - ”; 5 free game credits will be credited only at the signup of the free account.
- Thanks for reading!
This year we thought big and decided to start celebrating a month earlier, on June 14, 2022; throughout the month of June this document will be updated with news and new features designed for everyone. Starting from July 2022 we will dedicate the first 14 days to deepen all the new features by writing new posts in this blog. The major updates concern the new Bootstrap 5, already described in a post a few weeks ago, improved access control, updates on special accounts and all those features that allow us to be sustainable; moreover, the arrival of advertising within the content through MYAPPS has already been announced (where it was activated by the network owners- [Network Owner: the owner(s) of the referenced network of contents (or Network)] - ) and an improved advertising platform in which it will be possible to advertise with MYCOINS the contents already shared. All of these updates will take some time and a lot of work to get to perfection. Furthermore, changes have been made in the distribution of free game credits to win MYCOINS; 5 free credits will be added upon account registration, while only those who have a special account- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - activated can have 5 free credits every day to try their luck and win MYCOINS to add to their wallet. Many more updates will be added in the last few weeks.
During this period we celebrate the 14 years of activity of the myetv.tv domain and of the whole platform, we hope to celebrate it in the most carefree and fun way possible; we also ask for your cooperation for guaranteed fun for everyone. MYETV is not the usual social platform that creates yourself through personalized ads or written algorithms; we all create it MYETV. Every single person has the right to show us something new every day. Be creative; be kind; and if you really want to exaggerate, use the appropriate restrictions for explicit content.
Thank you for reading this; have a nice 14th anniversary, folks!!!