Links Custom URL (MYAPP)

The MYAPP called “Links Custom URL” will show to the audience a link, customizable for every contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video], to a custom URL selected by the owner of the app in the edit content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] page; the URL will be opened in a new browser window and must be available for the public.


This app can be deployed once the owner of the network-[Network Owner]: [the owner(s) of the referenced network of contents (or Network)] of contents is verified; at the moment of the creation or edit the owner can choose: the name of the app (to recognize it), the description (a free description of what is), the positions, the icon to show and the geoip restrictions; the app can be selected in the “edit content” page for every content where it can be possible to add any URL and show the button.


Contents: with this selected position a button to accessAccess [the simple access to a website as a visitor] at the custom URL will be shown under the selected content

Timeline: with this selected position a button to access at the custom URL will be shown in the timeline for the specified content


  • To access at the feature the owner must have an own Network of Contents-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] and must have access to MYAPPS-[MYAPPS]: [applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network]
  • MYAPPS Guidelines and limits
  • Only one custom URL can be specified for every content where this MYAPP is activated
  • The URL must be publicly available
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