Happy 16th anniversary for MYETV

This year marks 16 years since the birth of the MYETV and we want as many more like this; this year we decided to update the entire platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - with lots of new features and update existing ones with a lot of news. We have finally achieved a stable, fast and sustainable network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - that will be improved every year with faster speeds as we grow as well as a lightning-fast hardware infrastructure. We have already given ourselves a new European data center, already gaining in terms of speed and security of the entire platform; we’ve also updated lots of little features like the new timezone system based entirely on UTC and consequently we have added the choice of timezone both when editing the profile and when choosing the platform language; small gifts that we have already given ourselves and that we can already touch with our hands, but we still have a lot to do and update. We also decided to write the terms of service and the privacy policy in a single language (English) to then be translated by an automatic translator (in the future we could also directly use our artificial intelligence for translations), this resulted in the update and write documents faster and more understandably; if something differs between nations or continents, it will be possible to specify it globally or with new posts linked to the various documents. Like every anniversary, i’m listing all the news of this 2024 and these 16 years and also the features that we will be made available in the near future:

  • To celebrate this 16th anniversary, we’re introducing a colorful new theme: Wild: this theme is for the 16th anniversary of MYETV and is made with 3 colors green, light blue and shadows of orange.
  • Introduction of the new X (Boost) Account: the new “X (Boost) Account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - ” can be activated or given as a gift to a network and increases the account limits such as the number of posts available per day or the upload- [Upload: the action by a owners of the network of sending an image or audio or video file (named as content) from the device] - limits for files; an account can accumulate up to 10X in total and each increase can also be gifted from different accounts, the account that receive them will have more features unlocked. For the first phases this functionality is only available for accounts, public networks will be able to activate it in the future (with more features to unlock)
  • Out of testing for two new special accounts “Viewer” and “Publisher”
  • Introduction of the new advertising platform: the advertising platform on https://store.myetv.tv/ads has been updated and a new advertising form “external website” has been added; the cost of impressions has been decreased and a cost has been added to clicks. This platform can only be used with MYCOINS which can be purchased through the official MYETV store with a registered and verified user account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] -
  • The network URLs have been split: the homepage for accounts will have a URL like this “myetv.tv/account/…” while the homepage for public networks will have a URL like this “myetv.tv/network/…” Accounts have more private features (such as encryption- [Encryption: to change electronic information or signals into a secret code (= system of letters, numbers, or symbols) that people cannot understand or use on normal equipment] - of personal information) while public networks have more features aimed at the general public; this split applyes also for the subdomain feed.myetv.tv/account/...
  • From now the report can be sent also for an entire network or account and depending on the report sent, it will be checked that the network complies with the regulations of MYETV terms of services [updated]
  • We have updated the moderation platform with new tools regarding contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - , networks, accounts and reports. Moderators can now limit an entire content network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - by making the content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - only available on the network’s homepage (also called MYETV brand protection); furthermore, the terms of service have also been updated regarding the names of the networks that may be suitable for the public.
  • Last surprise: Pesented the new reporting and knowledge base platform at support.myetv.tv as ticket moderation system
  • The possibility of overwriting content with another video file through MYCLOUD has finally been added; it is possible to overwrite a content with a video file only through two video contents, contents shared from external websites cannot be overwritten with a video coming from MYCLOUD.
  • The time (date and time) when content was modified will be added
  • Image upload (for any type of images) are now replaced with a selection of images already uploaded into MYCLOUD this will respect the account limits and requires the owner to use limits here; if the file is deleted or its location changed by MYCLOUD then it will be deleted wherever it is used. Files upload into MYCLOUD have limits and the files will be selected and used directly from the owner’s MYCLOUD who can modify them, download them or use them within the platform. This will be a small revolution that will no longer allow you to bypass the limitations of MYCLOUD.
    Before: Upload image into MYCLOUD -> Publish -> files published and deleted from MYCLOUD
    Now: Upoad image into MYCLOUD -> Select it (where required) -> image is selected for the use and it will stay into MYCLOUD untill the owner deleted it (if deleted the selected image will be deleted too where used)
    More info here: https://blog.myetv.tv/2024/07/05/use-of-mycloud-for-images/
  • Video upload (with encoding) and content pubblication are now inside the MYCLOUD and this will respect the account limits and requires the owner to use limits here; if the file is deleted or its location changed by MYCLOUD then it will be deleted wherever it is used. Files upload into MYCLOUD have limits and the files will be selected and used directly from the owner’s MYCLOUD who can modify them, download them or use them within the platform. This will be a small revolution that will no longer allow you to bypass the limitations of MYCLOUD.
    Before: Upload video into MYCLOUD -> Publish content -> files published and deleted from MYCLOUD
    Now: Upoad video into MYCLOUD -> Publish content -> video is selected for the use and it will stay into MYCLOUD untill the owner deleted it (if deleted the selected content will be deleted too where used)
    More info here: https://blog.myetv.tv/2024/07/12/use-of-mycloud-for-videos/
  • Added the views count of the contents for individual accounts thanks to the peer-to-peer- [Peer-To-Peer Network: is a network made up of many p2p keys that can communicate with each other held together by a central system that can control them] - keys for both logged and unlogged users
  • A page and contents rate-limit system has been introduced which limits the maximum number of page reload depending on free users, account and special accounts- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] -
  • Many features that were previously public and without limits, such as the detail of the views and/or their localization or the various timeline pages, have been limited to registered users only (even with a free account)
  • Notifications via emails and for browsers about new contents from the followed network has been updated and now they will be sent every 10 minutes
  • Emails servers are changed to meet security standards (spif,dmarc,dkim) and recursive emails are changed in the way they be sent to registered users
  • MYCLOUD has been updated with new features like real-time remaining space and low-space alerts
  • The timezone and the way in which it can be selected have been updated; from the profile editing page it is possible to select your time zone (which will change for that registered user for the entire platform) but it is also possible to do so from the language change page (for unregistered users)
  • Many texts from across the platform have been translated and/or fixed the translations
  • An entire binary geo-location database (ip to country, region, province, latitude, longitude, timezone) has been imported, available for all subdomains even outside of Cloudflare, 249 countries as recognized in ISO 3166
  • Accounts and Networks of contents can now select one or more country in the World and block them from viewing the profile homepage; with this selection nobody can view the homepage of the network or interact with that network if the country is in the block list
  • Territorial encryption is more secure also for subdomains if an account is connected from two different country, in the same time, than the account will be automatically disconnected from every device
  • The signup process now automatically reject known temporary or not known email domains
  • PDF and qr-codes are now generated internal the platform for more privacy and security
  • Footer links and it’s order now can change at every update of the page
  • Many updates have been made for some apps in the official stores:
    • Surprise(1): The app for AndroidTV is finally pubblished in the official Google Play Store supported for more than 1.200 televisions devices; this is an important milestone and confirms our commitment to also be present in smart TVs-
    • Surprise(2): the mobile app is now pubblished also in the Samsung Galaxy Store for more than 500 new Samsung devices (mobile and foldable, tablets, wearables and automotive)
    • The television app (for Firetv, AndroidTV, WebOS), partly available for browsers also at https://tv.myetv.tv, has been completely modified; when the app is started, the playfeed will be started which orders the contents, via the left menu (which can also be activated with the left arrow key), as if it were the normal homepage. the player can be controlled with the brand new external controls or via the right menu (also activated with the right arrow key). The entire app UX has been redesigned specifically for TV devices with remote control, gamepad or even keyboard. Resolved a problem in viewing single content.
    • The mobile app in the Google Play Store is updated with major code changes and security updates; picture in picture mode, hardware acceleration, push notifications, javascript api are just a few features completely updated with new versions. The app is downloadable in The official Play Store for supported devices or here: https://downloadapp.myetv.tv
    • The Microsoft app in the Microsoft Store is updated with support for push notifications and in-app web-browser to open subdomains links and new related links (maps and the new playfeed mode) at the right click of the mouse on the icon in the taskbar (add to the taskbar to open directly that links without open the app homepage) and added the permission at the first install to add the app to the taskbar or desktop (can be always modified with the ellipsis menu at the top right)
  • Updates about MYAPPS- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - :
    • Advertising MYAPP (Pubblisher): removed custom ad code, added ads from store.myetv.tv/ads and added MYCOINS revenue with a min of 500 views and 31 days (both conditions must be satisfied); then 1 MYCOINS more every 10.000 views.
    • Messages MYAPP: this MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - is now called “Messages and Comments” it is added the option to extend the comments window in every contents of that network; if that option is selected the owner can change the settings for every content in the edit content page. In the network position messages are related to the entire network, in the content position messages are related only to that content. This MYAPP is no longer enabled for MYRC (or the obsolete vox messenger).
    • Playwall (Network) MYAPP: the playwall is now playing on this urls myetv.tv/playwall/[networkurl] and some of it’s functionality has changed; player controls are now out of the box and always in the bottom.
    • Playwall Event and Livestreaming: the contents of this MYAPP, if activated, will be playing automatically also on the network/account homepage at the normal url myetv.tv/network/[url]
    • Album/Series MYAPP: a new cover image is added to the album/series and, if selected, it will show whenever the MYAPP is showed; furthermore a new mode is used to select an image: the image can’t be uploaded directly but is selected from the MYCLOUD of the owner; the original image can be managed directly from the MYCLOUD as a personal folder and with acocunt limits.
  • Updated the terms of services and the privacy policy

As always, to all these updates there will be others that will be presented throughout the month of July 2024.

To celebrate the 16th anniversary of MYETV we will continue to update the platform until July 16th with new features and new updates to existing features, we will modify this post from time to time and we will inform via our social channels and networks about some important updates.
We thank you for reading this far and wish you a good continuation on the MYETV platform, remember that you are all welcome and that we make no distinction between people or what they think; for me you are all equally beautiful.

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