The app is currently available in Samsung Galaxy Store for all devices with the latest Android or with minimum version of API level 23 (Android 6.0 Marshmallow). The Android App is developed also for the Google Play Store and Amazon AppStore where the app can be downloaded and installed for supported devices.
(V1.x) 2024 – Production Release – [downloadapp.myetv.tv] [Samsung Galaxy Store]
Available for 494 devices and 86 localizations; with 42 authorizations, 9 features, 4 screen layout.
- 22/7/2024: the new version 1.2.3 (123) is the definitive first ever version for this store, tested with emulators API35 and real devices API34, includes the qrcode window and authorization requests and picture-in-picture mode (now contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - continue to play in pip mode) and API level min 23 with 494 supported devices,all sdk to the latest versions, target the new Android API35, new gradle 8.9, features like the ability to lock/unlock the app with hardware biometric or the ability to send push notifications directly in-app or the support for hardware acceleration or a new in-app browser as default for all the subdomains of MYETV and many more javascript APIs. Available for everyone by MYETV’s 16th anniversary at 1st July 2024; available as update or new installation in the official Samsung Galaxy Store.