The year 2023 marks a milestone in the history of MYETV which celebrated the 15th anniversary of the birth of the domain as always happens at this time of year; we wish you a happy end of the year 2023 and a happy new year 2024. in the previous year, 2023; as already mentioned, therefore, our domain was born 15 years ago and we hope for another 15 years of activity on the internet. Let’s start by saying that, thanks to the 15th anniversary of MYETV, there have been many updates, starting with the month of January where we announced the arrival of the new dark mode, in addition to the default light one, available first on the native apps and then to everyone also for browsers. In the first days of February we announced one of the first major visual updates of the platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - , namely a new user interface (UI) and a new user experience (UX), this update lasted for the whole month and beyond; in fact, in March 2023 all the changes made in the native apps also arrived on the web platforms and we published the “behind the scenes” of the update that changed the UI and UX of the platform forever. We prepared for something no one expected in April 2023.

On April 4, 2023 we announced to everyone a huge change that was about to arrive: the definitive transition of all servers from Microsoft to Linux; as well as dozens of other inevitable updates to codes and features. We announced this update 15 days before because it was really big and thanks to an update of all the codes we actually managed to transfer the MYETV main code to the Linux server without losing any of the previous features; indeed, in the following days we added further really important features. We are still can use Windows for our personal use of everyday (eg. laptops or desktops). Obviously this update has given us important benefits, first of all we have officially become 100% open source; furthermore benefits on speed, security, scalability but also on the cost of the necessary licenses. A real revolution that began in April 2023. This update was really expensive for all of us and we took some time to test that everything worked properly; we therefore arrive at the month of May 2023.

One of the most important updates ever was certainly that of April 2023 while in May 2023 there was another very important update, to start with we added the “roles” system to let the owners of networks to assign one or more moderation roles for the networks of contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - ; then we went wild with one of the most important updates ever, an artificial intelligence system that affects translation and the platform’s translation engine; in fact the new translation system allows us to translate any sentence in a few seconds into over 25 different languages but not only that, the artificial intelligence system goes from the language of the individual content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - up to the language of the platform used by the user based on his position or based on the choice in the options. This was a real revolution perfected even two months later during the 15th anniversary celebration period. In the same month we also found the time to add a new text editing area thanks to WYSIWYG which also made it possible to write text-only messages in content networks. In June 2023 we continued with another updates to the user interface (UI), more features were added and the design and usability of some elements improved; immediately afterwards we thought about how to improve privacy for the entire platform by allowing content networks to publish their own content and make it visible only within their own network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - , without being visible from the homepage. This has allowed for the creation of more private content networks.

From the middle of the month we started writing the post for the 15th anniversary of MYETV which we updated throughout the month of June and the following month of July 2023 with many updates including a brand new app for Windows, new special accounts- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - , new platforms like or live recordings with WebRTC, the introduction of the new general calendar and tons of new features. This update was one of the biggest of all the updates of the entire year. Along with this update we also presented a new way to register your account with an automatically assigned username and a way to build your own custom URL; furthermore, the possibility of sharing text-only posts was officially presented, thanks also to the post writing method presented in the previous months. These updates are just the beginning of the platform’s 15th anniversary celebration. In July 2023, in addition to continuing to update the 15th anniversary updates post, we limited ourselves to presenting the new general calendar which is accessible to everyone and which shows in chronological order the new contents of the networks and also those scheduled for the future, respecting the selected privacy options of every content; the calendar can also be consulted via the network page and only displays the contents of that network. In August 2023 we started creating technical tutorials regarding system security and we created a useful post for all our professionals who will have to connect to our infrastructures; in fact, through a tunnel protected by Cloudflare’s Zero Trust security we are able to connect with ssh (Secure Socket Shell) to all our machines in the world that require any technical maintenance, the passage of information is also protected via two-factor authentication. We also wanted to describe many award-winning features for MYCLOUD such as the image editor or the text file editor.

In the first days of September 2023 we modified the terms of service with the changes regarding the improvements made in the previous months, in particular the section for registering a new account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - ; then another big announcement for a brand new feature called “Playtime”, a new way to watch contents inside the platform, which will see the light for everyone the following month with another big update in October; at the end of September we then announced a big changes regarding the search engine which no longer returns results when pressing the keys but only when the search terms are sent, loading the results on a new page. This change affects all search engines for fast search, for instant play and for MYRC.

In the month of October 2023, the celebrations for the 15th anniversary of the platform continued and it was really fun to celebrate Halloween with a brand new format called “halloweek” and for the occasion, already at the beginning of the month we made another very important update, namely the change of audio/video codec from h264 to av1 or vp9; two brand new completely open source codecs confirming the trend of April 4, 2023 to reach 100% open source softwares. This update was very important and one of the most complicated as we have completely updated all the video transcoding codes with the new codecs which are 10 times faster and more efficient than the previous one. We then relaunched with another announcement for an update regarding playtime with the possibility of watching it together with other people at the same time and in a synchronized way between multiple devices/users.

From here on we decided to start getting into the Halloween theme and so immediately afterwards we published the Halloween updates post which we continued to update throughout the holiday period, also publishing one post a day for the entire Halloween week. So throughout the week we have explained the various new features in addition to those already announced previously; from emails signed with digital certificates to search engines for the instant play and for the MYRC search engine- [Search Engine: is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] - which can be reached through two new dedicated subdomains; furthermore, we have also introduced advertisements and announced a special account that allows you to hide advertisements within the platform. The month of October 2023 was one of the most intense of the whole year, but it’s not over yet; because we have announced other big updates for the period of December, the month in which on day 4 we celebrate the birth of the domain and its 15th anniversary. In July the implementation of the idea of the platform was celebrated, while in December 2008 the purchase of the domain began for the first time. In November 2023 we decided to publish a further tutorial, this time to create an (x)RDP tunnel via Cloudflare’s Zero Trust security platform, a useful method for connecting with maximum security to our infrastructures around the world through the use of two-factor authentication.

It’s fast approaching December 2023 and here we have really outdone ourselves; this time announcing the first xmas week for the occasion of the 15th anniversary we doubled the number of new posts until the 15th of the same month, with a lot of new features and updates. From that moment on we actually published one post a day until the 15th of the same month. We started by presenting a brand new service that becomes part of the platform permanently through a dedicated subdomain, a real social manager platform to manage multiple external social accounts in a single, secure place; at this point we started publishing tutorials on how to use it, and in particular we focused on how to use RSS feeds to share new posts on external social networks and on how to use the new RSS feed format that can be activated for all content networks with the new dedicated subdomain; so we also announced the end of VOX and the start of a new messaging platform usable only for registered users called MYDM, or My Direct Messages. We also announced the update of special accounts for the new service on by adding various accounts with increased usage limits; then we updated the system for issuing commercial documents with fiscal value which occurs via a PDF system and automatically through the sections of your account. We have added, and are still perfecting, a new advertising service on to increase visits to content and to increase followers- [Follower: a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] - of its networks; We also announced a big change for MYRC with the ability to customize it via a simple JSON file. We closed the year with a usual event, the presentation of two new colorful themes for our platform thanks also to Pantone’s color of the year called Peach Fuzz. Having reached this point, we have almost finished the year, but the updates will continue until at least the 8th of January 2024. This has truly been a year full of innovations and new features, sometimes implemented to the limit of what is possible, certainly one of the years with the most updates ever. If they were to ask me to put the first three updates on the podium, in first place I would certainly put the transition to Linux, in second place I would put the construction of artificial intelligence for translations, in third place I would undoubtedly put the transition to the new audio codecs /video open source. This year was also an opportunity for me to demonstrate how capable we are of using computer systems of all kinds, how versatile we are and how we can really deal with any computer code and/or operating system; it was a year of professional and personal growth in which I successfully achieved many of the objectives set.
We are lucky that we get to have a second chance, so be grateful and live life to the fullest. May the New Year bring to you warmth of love, and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination. Have a joyous New Year!