Roles and Permissions for all Networks

In recent days we have done a great job with regards to the new roles and permissions of the networks; roles provide a way for network-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] administrators to group permissions and assign them to users or user groups. Permissions define the actions that a user can perform in the network. The roles that can be assigned, by default, are four: Administrator, Publisher, Moderator and Content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] Provider, all with predefined permissions; but will also be possible to create custom roles and assign permissions to them in order to add more people. We are testing the roles only for public networks but very soon it will be possible to customize them for accounts as well. The schema used to create roles is as follows:

For this purpose we have disabled the registrations of new user for some days, today we are announcing that registration of new user is now re-open.
We’ve also improved the section “manage network” with new design and new UX; you can now see also the permissions for every role and, if possibile, edit them. The four predefined roles cannot be modified and the relative permissions cannot be cahnged; in the near future will be possible to add new custom roles with the relative custom permissions, to match any needs. To achieve this results we have made a very great job behind the databases and the User Interface, making all customizable roles and all customizable permissions in the hand of every registered users; the transition made from the old roles to the new, personalized ones, with the new permissions was not simple: first of all we had to create the list of roles to which further personalized roles can be added, after which we had to add the list of switchable permissions of which users can enable or disable permissions for specific roles; once all this was created we had to merge the already existing network codes with the new role codes and the relative permission codes into the required pages or sections of the platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system]. These are the four predefined role and the relative permission (please note some permissions could be added or changed in the future, the updated list is always online in the manage network page):

Please note: the image above is only rapresentative and some permissions must be added in the future

Can be assigned one role for one users (two different users cannot share the same predefined role); custom roles (where available) can be assigned to multiple users.

These roles and permissions are maded to be more collaborative; more permissions will be addedd in the future to match the needs permissions will be always updated in the manage network page. We hope that you like roles and permissions and, in the future, you will love them. Thanks for reading this.

Terms of services:

  • Roles and permission can be used by anyone who have a network of contents-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners]
  • The permissions of the four default roles cannot be modified
  • The four default roles can be assigned to only one user to every role
  • Custom roles with custom permissions can be assigned to multiple users
  • The administrator role is only for the user who create the network and cannot be deleted or modified to another user
  • Name of custom roles must respect the purpose of the role
  • Can be created a max of 10 custom roles, for every network
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