With the arrival of the new year we have also tested a new system for managing tax documents regarding MYETV. These documents, without actual financial value, were in fact sent via email at the time of purchasing a good/service; starting from next year, commercial documents with effective financial value will be deposited in a specific section of your profile, in readable, printable and downloadable PDF format. In this way, automatic electronic invoicing occurs via commercial documents with financial value and with the registration code of the government agencies who issued it.
The space to view any commercial documents is found in the MYCOINS section, here https://www.myetv.tv/mycoins/?type=transactions in the column called “Receipt”; please note that not all transactions have a fiscal value, only those that move money through payment instruments such as bank accounts or credit cards. The receipts are in the PDF format and can be downloaded by pressing the button “Download PDF” when available.
The documents may be accessible by the person who administers the account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - and will be permanently deleted when the account is deleted. The commercial document with fiscal value will be issued within 12 days of purchase, usually it is issued on the same day; the platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - administration reserves the right, for laws, to keep a copy for at least 10 years from issue. The documents with a fiscal value must have the code of the related commercial document at the end, like this one:
The terms of services will be updated soon with these new informations.
In addition to all these changes, it is also possible, by modifying your profile, to also enter your fiscal code and/or VAT number; this for possible invoicing. The request for invoicing via fiscal code and/or VAT number must be communicated before payment is made and can be done through the page “Edit Profile” or “Edit Account”.
Difference between “Receipts” and “Transaction details”
The difference from “receipts” and “transaction details” is that for the receipt a manual step is required, saved within 12 days of payment with the insertion of the receipt code (sent by government systems and printed directly in the pdf by the administration of MYETV) and has fiscal value; instead the transaction detail is an automatically generated pdf with the transaction details and has no fiscal value.