MYAPPS Developers Guideline

MyApps- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - are the new way to build your custom application inside MYETV, for your networks or your contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - ; with the new MYAPPS Platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - (M.A.P.) you can interact with every aspect of MYETV you can add features to your account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - or you can develop your own app, for all your audience or only for some country (with the geoip feature), to run with MYETV. The apps you created could be free or not, or maybe could have in the inside ads or others payments services (MYCOINS or others available payments gateway); to build an App you must press the button “MANAGE MYAPPS” choose your network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - and deploy one of the predefined MYAPPS, follow the instructions on the screen (type the name of the app and the description) and then select a position and the app will be delivered to you and you can start to customize it. Number of MYAPPS that you can deploy are limited, read the “LIMITATIONS” section of this document to know how many apps you can deploy in your account for every of your network of contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - .
Please note: new MYAPPS are in beta phase and could have something to fix; we will work to make it better and better every day and add new features and apps.


MYAPPS can be deployed only by registered users. MYAPPS can be deployed only if the main account of the registered user is verified.
MYAPPS are limited for every account; the algorithm take care of how many MYCOINS the user have in the wallet or if any of the special accounts- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - are activated. To have a more detailed table, please refer to this link: Accounts free can have a max of 3 MYAPPS for every Networks of Contents.
Networks of contents can have one MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - for every type; cannot deploy the same App twice in the same Network.


MYAPPS can collect statistical informations on how many users open it; data are anonymous and aggregated the owner of the app can filter it, in real-time, thanks to the nationality of the view, the date and time of the view and the position of the view for the selected MYAPP.


Positions are where the app will show it’s content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - ; we have setup 4 different positions for MyApps and every App could have different positions available or not; you can choose where to show the app for every of your contents or networks. Do not forget to assign a position or the MYAPP can’t be shown to the audience.

List of available Positions are:

  • Timeline
    The “Timeline” position is for the apps that can work with the buttons of the content inside the timeline (for example a button for download or ecommerce). The MYAPP will be always visible in the “edit content” page, to assign it to a specifi content.
  • Content
    The “Content” position is for the apps that work under the content (directly in the content’s page); this position could be limited for some sort of apps. The MYAPP will be always visible in the “edit content” page, to assign it to a specifi content.
  • Network
    The “Network” position is for the apps that work inside the network’s page; every network page have a dedicated section for MYAPPS, under the playwall or inside the network page; there you will find the list of all the MYAPPS builded for that network (if the owner has selected this position for the App). You can edit the option for this MYAPP inside the same MYAPPS page.
  • MyRC
    The “MyRC” position is an experimental one; that let the owner to link the app to the MYRC search engine- [Search Engine: is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] - to let the audience play with it, simple by find it with numbers. You can edit the option for this MYAPP inside the same MYAPPS page.


To use the MYAPPS feature your account must be verified; unless is not verified the system will show you a “VERIFY” button and cannot let you build any apps; the “VERIFY” button contain all the informations on how to complete your account with basic informations (to verify the acocunt you must provide name, surname and others data into your account). The link to view the list of available MYAPPS is: or with the main menu at the option “MANAGE MYAPPS” and you have to be registered and logged into the platform to view it and you can switch inside the MYAPPS reserved for your Netwroks of Contents with the menu at the top-left of the page (it show you all of your Netwrok of Contents previously builded); each MYAPP has a description of how it works if you click on the title of the same. When you deploy your app you can choose to disable it, hide from the view of the public, while working on it to change it’s aspects or you can delete it completely and rebuild a new one; when you delete a MYAPP all the data stored inside it, epsecially for myapps in “contents” and “timeline” positions, will be saved for future purposes of the network also if you delete and then rebuild the MYAPP you will start with the data already saved (instead you can change title and description of the MYAPP every time you deploy it); you have to delete the data manually, one by one. Each MYAPP has different options to configure and some can be selected in the content editing page, to assign them to a specific content or to edit specific options for timeline, or in the MANAGE MYAPPS page to configure the behavior of the app in the content network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - or on MYRC. Positions of where the MYAPP should be shown can be selected by a checkbox, you can check all the positions or only the ones you want. The GeoIP feature can be setup to choose in which country the selected MYAPP should be visible. You can also choose an icon for any MYAPPS deployed, to show it at the public. MYAPPS are an exclusive of MYETV. The visibility options can be setup to choose who can view the selected MYAPP and the options are: public, only logged users (only the logged users can view it), only followers- [Follower: a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] - (only the followers can view it), private (only the owners can view it).

With MYAPPS the owners of the contents network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - are able to bring native, interactive and productivity apps into their contents published/shared with MYETV. When a MYAPP is displayed to the public, it contains all the information to warn that it is an application created by a user; for this reason it is forbidden to modify such information so as not to limit the responsibilities of the owner of the content- [Content Owner: the owner(s) of a content (usually includes all owners of the network that shared it)] - network.

From time to time we will share informations and tutorials on this blog about some of the main MYAPPS available inside the platform.


Read the general terms of services here:

Touch screen mobile phone with business concept

This document is subjected to changes.

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16 thoughts on “MYAPPS Developers Guideline”

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