Content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - of this document:
- General Information about the MYETV
- Language of this Blog
- Personal Data PDF (MYETV.TV)
- Features Help (MYETV.TV)
- Account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - Help (MYETV.TV)
- Things that we can do (MYETV.TV)
- Things that we can’t do (MYETV.TV)
- Contacts
General Information about the MYETV
The MYETV network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - have different places with different authorities that can interact inside the main platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - .
– The access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - to the main platform is here https://www.myetv.tv.
– The developers blog for support and documents is here https://blog.myetv.tv
– The advertising platform is here: https://adplatform.myetv.tv
This blog and the Advertising Platform are not opened to new user registrations and they don’t own any accounts and any personal data. Please read the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy before interact with all the websites, a summary of that documents is available here. The alert system will notify every users of any changes of these documents.
- Terms of Service:
https://blog.myetv.tv/myetv-terms-of-service/ - Privacy Policy:
The MYETV is a website with a very large and broad contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - , due to the nature of the platform is advisable to pay attention to all the advice that are offered there by our experts.
Language of this Blog
This blog is readable in more languages, translations are managed by the Google Translator widget at the top-right of all pages.
Personal Data PDF
To facilitate any authorization process we may require some informations already present in your account that you can download at any time when you are logged, simple by navigate at this address: https://www.myetv.tv/datadownload/
This link work only when you are logged in MYETV and will print to your screen a PDF document ready to be saved or printed and stored with your informations. You can attach it to your emails (no more than 6 months old) to speed up the authorization processes.
Features Help
Gudelines and general help on features:
- Account Network (MyWall)
– Your private profile, you can publish contents only for logged users or your followers- [Follower: a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] - ; you can chose a nickname to show to all the public (different from your username).
url start with https://www.myetv.tv/[usernameornickname]/ - Public Network of Contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - (TimeWall)
– Your public profile, you can create one in the “Networks Management”; there are some limits about creating Public Networks. Once the Public Network is created, you can add additional editors and moderators.
url start with https://www.myetv.tv/[networkname]/ - Search Engines
How to use the search engines: https://blog.myetv.tv/myetvs-search-engine/ - MyCoins
They are the virtual value of MyeTV; you will be asked to pay in MyCoins they are secure and safe; know more on MyCoins here: https://blog.myetv.tv/2014/04/28/buy-or-earn-your-mycoins-online/ - Signup
How to signup here: https://blog.myetv.tv/privacy-policy/#SIGNUP Signup with oauthThe oauth/oauth2 services are deprecated and deactivated from the end of 2019
- Login- [Login: an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] - / Access
How to login into the website here: https://blog.myetv.tv/privacy-policy/#LOGIN - Upload- [Upload: the action by a owners of the network of sending an image or audio or video file (named as content) from the device] - Contents
How to: https://blog.myetv.tv/2013/08/06/help-myetv/#upload - Encoding Audio/Video
Guideline: https://blog.myetv.tv/2013/08/06/encoding-quality-help/ - Messaging Platform
Guideline: https://blog.myetv.tv/2016/08/07/The-Messagin-Platform - General help for using MYETV
Help and Documents: https://blog.myetv.tv/2013/08/06/help-myetv/ - MyApps- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] -
MyApps Developers Guidelines are here: https://blog.myetv.tv/2015/02/03/myapps-developers-guideline/ - Social Pages
Follow our social pages here: https://blog.myetv.tv/2013/07/08/social-network/
Account Help
Your account on MYETV should be active and work instantly, if that not happens it means something is going wrong. If you experience problems with your account, please try do the following:
- Be sure your account is active by clicking the link on the confirmation email and confirm the email address; if the confirmation email has not been delivered, you can send it a new one with the link in the “EDIT PROFILE” section (at the side of the field with your email address to activate).
- Some internal services require you to complete your profile with name, surname, birthday date and others
- Someone is accessing at my account and is not me: change your password, the system will disconnect instantly all connected devices everytime you change the password with your email
- Password Lost: you can anytime recover and change your password with your confirmed email “LOGIN -> PASSWORD LOST”
- I have disabled the recovery of the password with my email or my email can’t receive more: we offer a way to protect the account more and it is to disable completely the recovery of password from extraneous requests via email; if that is your case and you lost the password then you should request an ACCOUNT RESET to the technical support at admin@myetv.tv from your registered email and wait for the reply
- Account Hacked: sometimes things not going as expected and sometimes emails and others services are messed up, compromising also internal services of the platform, if you experience some of these problems and you want to stop definetly your compromised account then you should request an official ACCOUNT DELETION
Things that we can do
ACCOUNT RESET: the account reset is a simple verification process via email to validate the owner of a compromised account; the request must comes from the email of an already registered account and it value only for that account. Remember to recover a copy of your PERSONAL DATA PDF (that you have downloaded before).
The ACCOUNT RESET procedures will:
- Disconnect all devices from that account
- Reset of the password and temporary block the account
- Reset of the private/public keys used to encrypt informations (if compromised)
- Start the procedures of password change via email and unblock the account (with the registered email)
To validate and speed up the process with the same email address used for the registration in MYETV:
- Attach to the email the entire copy of your last downloaded PDF (preferable no more than 6 months old);
Attach to the email the barcode and/or the qr-code inside that document
Include in your email the MYETV USERCODE at the top of that document (above the barcode)
To validate the process with another email address, not registered in MYETV, remember (if possible) to:
- Attach to the email the entire copy of your last downloaded PDF (preferable no more than 6 months old)
- Attach to the email any documents that proof your ownership and responsability about this action (ID, license- [License: a permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade] - or any)
If some informations inside the account are compromised, in the process we can delete all the compromised informations and reset the account to the “first time access” mode.
ACCOUNT DELETION: the account deletion is a process via email to completely remove a compromised account from the platform; the most effective way to do that is by following the rules in our DMCA Policies or simply by send an email to admin@myetv.tv, from the address of the registered account, attaching the “Personal Data PDF” informations about your corrupted account.
Things that we can’t do
- We cannot recover/read/modify any passwords
- We cannot recover your email accounts
- We cannot read/modify any part of your account without accessing it
- We cannot recover contents in an already compromised account
- MYCOINS are not refundable if you had a compromised accounts
The auto-responder of admin@myetv.tv is pointing to this and others documents; if you reach this page by the auto-responder and you are waiting a reply from the technical support, please wait from 1 to 3 working days to have a reply.
Contact us here: https://blog.myetv.tv/contact/ or Email us at: admin@myetv.tv