The new year is near and as usual let’s sum up this working year, a very successful and intense year; last year we’ve summed a lot of new features which have been updated during this year. Let’s start by saying that last year we launched the platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - into the World scenario, updating various part of the platform for international usage such as dates, times, time zones; this was an huge and silent update, lasted and tested all the year 2018 and allowed us to work better in 2019 in all other features; in the end of 2018 we have announced at first time the with a lot of new featured for registered users, tested during these years and ready to be updated.

In 2019? Here’s what we created:
This year has been wonderful and was all dedicated to improving the security and the performance of the whole platform for everyone; in the first month, at January 2019, we started by changing the timing for updates and this was a small revolution for developers, because we switch from 2months of regular cumulative updates to 3months of cumulative updates, leaving us with more time to think about new features. In february 2019 we have introduced a new timeline with pagination style, deprecating the infinite scrolling, and various option buttons to let the user have more controls on the homepage, this design is now the default. In April 2019 we finally launched the MMTV at with a lot new features and a new cumulative updates to test various features fro the next 3 months. In May 2019 we’ve moved all our domains to a better infrastructure and activate the DNSSEC to bring more security and navigate more safe with the browser and with the mobile app, that got some updates too; in the meantime this blog gets one of the best updates ever switching our old theme to the new one called “Astra”, much more readable and usable for everyone. In June 2019 we join forces to bring one of the most powerfull notification system of all times by integrating a new Artificial Intelligence for the notifications system for everyone, with a new design and more features. The July 2019 was one of the best and the 11th birthday of MYETV, we’ve start announcing the new cumulative updates for the next 3 months then we have presented a brand new feature and a true revolution for login- [Login: an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] - and security: the Biometric Authentication; continue in this way, we have presented a new platform for monitoring the defense of MYETV and it is called the “First Defense Network” and we have announced the availability of the PEGI Restrictions also for the entire Network of Contents. In August 2019 we’ve published a new Internal Policy for our developers and then we start having some trouble with our official Facebook page, during August and September 2019 we’ve focused our works on investigating about this uncontrolled situation; in September 2019 the situation was blocked and then we’ve decided to remove any authorization from the Facebook servers and in general from any same third party services, oauth/ouath2 clients are now disconnected, signup and login are now without a social interaction and various part of the entire platform was changed to meet new defaults; all third partyes client-side communications, involving personal data, are now deprecated. In October 2019 we started our last comulative updates for the next 3 months and then we have made a very hard work to all the platform; we’ve made a little revolution by starting the Peer-To-Peer network from the zero to the production and then we’ve announced it with a new blog post in the next month, November 2019; tested it in the next months, it would be one of the best update of MYETV. In December 2019 we’ve launched the new and announced it with a new blog post, a brand new place to discover the advertising platform and the new store of MYETV, together.
That was our 2019 in short… As we can observe we focused our works on bringing a more stable and usable platform for everyone by upgrading security and promoting a safe behaviour to everyone; we also had a lot of time to test and made brand new features by starting from the zero, and some of them are now used to help keep all the platform safe; we also focues a lot about design and re-thinking the design of some main features, preserving our beloved color themes. We have also updated a lot our official documents, terms of services and privacy policy, to meet new updates specifications.
We wish you the best from the 2020 and we announced to all of you, there is no need of a cumulative update blog post every 3 months in 2020; we’re now free from publishing every 3 months our updates. We will keep inform about major and important updates with new blog posts every time is needed.
Thanks to be with us day by day in every part of the World we are making this platform one of the best communication app ever on the entire universe of the World wide web. Don’t forget to download our updated app for free in the official Store of your O.S. or here: