From 23 October 2023 until 30 October 2023 we will celebrate our usual halloweek on MYETV, a week full of new features and new updates on our platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - during the Halloween week; it will also be a period to summarize all the work done in recent months. Furthermore, as tradition, during this week we will decorate the entire platform with Halloween-themed decorations but this year the evil Jack’o’Lantern will not appear; we will wait for him next year, if he wants to visit us. We’ll use this post, which will be updated throughout the week of Halloween, to list the biggest new features, and we’ll be writing new posts and updating existing ones every day throughout the week.
- One new colored theme will be presented also this year: the theme name and specifications will be presented during the halloweek. Halloweve: this halloween theme is formed by a violet background with a secondary backfround dark grey colors and orange text link colors; is builded to celebrate the #halloweek2023 read all the colored themes here:
- During the halloweek 2023 this blog and all the platform of MYETV will be decorated with some halloween decorations
- During the halloweek we will divide the page of the special accounts- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - into two pages: the “X” account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - and the “Y” account; this will allow us to increase special accounts and add new ones with new features. The new special accounts will be presented during Halloweek 2023. One of these new accounts will also allow viewing of the platform without any advertising.
- Added the section “AccountOptions” to the “edit profile” page to edit various options of the free or special account- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] -
- Important update: contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - posted by a simple account will not be showed in the homepage timeline anymore but only in the timeline of that account; a public network of contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - must be setup in order to publish contents visible in the MYETV’s homepage timeline. Only special accounts can unselect the checkbox to make the contents visible also in the MYETV’s homepage.
- Introduced the new website at with new merchandise for the 15 years of MYETV
- Added two new domains and domains; the first one is the MYRC feature (the remote control) and the second one is the INSTANT PLAY feature. Two new blog post about this new features will be out during the halloweek.
- We have updated the entire content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - coding system with brand new codecs, you can read the dedicated post for more information:
- The new video encoding system allows you to perform “simulated live streaming- [Live Streaming: a live audio/video stream] - ” while the file is being converted to reduce content viewing times. It is also improved the encoding of video contents thanks to the queues to process every 5 minutes, in this way you have to wait your queue turn to complete the conversion of the video content.
- Introducing the new file editors: two new powerful file editor are embedded in the MYCLOUD to instantly edit files: the file editor for text files and the file editor for images (the video editor is coming soon) with filters and effects on the fly; the resulted file can be reuploaded or downloaded.
- PlayTime: the playtime is a system for viewing timeline of contents horizontally, in order of the vertical view; starting from the beginning of the halloweek, any content present in any timeline (even that of search engines) can be automatically reproduced in the order decided by the timeline itself. The player will automatically go forward once the content is finished, or the user can move throught the contents with the “previous” or “next” buttons. We have already written a blog post you can read it to find out more and prepare for this fantastic news:
- PlayTime Watch Together: the watch together feature of the playtime will be presented after the playtime feature, at the end of the halloweek; it is a simulated live streaming system where the host can present the contents to all viewers by going backward and forward between the contents, the host’s choices will be reproduced in real time for all viewers present; viewers can access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - at this contents by a direct link or a special code. It is a new system that we are testing and will be available to everyone, for more information you can read the post we wrote:
- The search engine- [Search Engine: is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] - has been radically modified with new features, including the custom search, and a new search system where you need to press the button to start the search. To read more about these updates, read here:
- When searching for content, the search engine now refers to the network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - that owns the content if the content is only visible from the network’s homepage
- Content shared by third-party platforms in the timeline will also have an indication of the third-party website owner. For example, a content shared by Youtube will automatically have the indication and link of the owner channel.
- Updated the content menu with new features (such as the ability to open the network)
- The right main menu is updated with new features (such as the search engine on the play page)
- Fixed error in the email system; now all the emails are signed with spf, dkim and dmarc. A new blog post will be out during the halloweek with more informations
- Added the possibility to change the primary email address of the account, you must type your password (with two factor auth if present) and verify the new email
- Modified social links in the footer, for X (formerly twitter) and Facebook (meta)
- Restrictions system updated with new icons and new restrictions, read the blog post to have more informations: and
- Fixed an error loading and uploading the frontline images
- Fixed some GeoIP problems with contents
- Dropped the support for VOX by the end of the year: we have decided to discontinue the VOX app for everyone by the end of this year. To use it you will need to be a registered user of the platform and with a verified account.
- The backend for MYETV moderators is improved with new functionality
- We’ve updated the models for the automatic artificial intelligence translations with 60 new languages available
- Added advertising agencies for static image/text links controlled by MYETV
- MYAPPS- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - :
- Translation MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - is updated with more than 60 new translation models
- Multilanguage MYAPP is updated with the possibility of redirect directly to a content for that language
- Advertising MYAPP is modified to meet the new special account “no advertisement”
- more MYAPPS updates and new features will coming soon during the halloweek
- Native Applications- [Native Applications: the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] - :
- Microsoft Store (Windows): the new app for Microsoft Windows and XBOX is in the official Microsoft Store available free for everyone, will be updated for the halloweek 2023; read more informations about the latest updates here:
- Google Play (Android): the native app- [Native Applications: the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] - for Android is in the official Google Play Store free for everyone and with a lot of new features, ready for the halloweek 2023; read more informations about the last updates here:
- FireTV (FireOS): the app for FireTV devices is available in the official Amazon App Store free for everyone and will be updates during the halloweek 2023; toi have more informations about the latest updates, read here:
- FireOS (mobile): the native app for FireOS (for mobile and tablets devices) is in the official Amazon App Store free for everyone and with a lot of new features, ready for the halloweek 2023; read more informations about the last updates here:
- WebOS: the new app for WebOS TV devices is available free for everyone in the LG Content Store and will be updated during the halloweek 2023; to have more informations about the latest updates, read here:
- New website design, with new icons, at
- Much more…

Halloween week is going to be a really busy one for us with brand new features to unveil for everyone. All of us at MYETV wish you a good continuation on our platforms, a spooky Halloween and happy holidays. I hope that all these new features will entertain you, we already love some of them. Thank you for reading this and for everything, remember that we are always here for anything.