YAYY! YAR! Our team has worked a lot to bring to you one of the best update of MyeTV. This mega-pack v4 update are a cumulative updates for some features of the website; i’ll try to explain, in a fastest way, what we are going to do at Myetv:
Updates on Cookies and privacy options:
We just update the “general options” features, for all the users, and the “privacy options” features, for registered users. Read this post to know what goes on, here. The new features in the “general options” section, let you discover all of your privacy settings when you navigate in MyeTV, in every page of the website. You can have access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - to all of your cookies that you leave to us when you navigate to our website; or you can access to all of your hided or blocked contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - in your device. These cookies are stored in a secure way and are available only to myetv.tv website. This is a revolutionary feature, available for all the users/public, exclusively for MyeTV.
Private Messaging Platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - :
We are working also on the P.M.P. of MyeTV; you can read what we have done here. Cryptography- [Cryptography: the practice of creating and understanding codes that keep information secret] - in Private messages is coming next. Public rooms, for anonymous users, too. This platform will replaces the old comments platform; if you want to read and interact with others people and friends, you must open the right sidebar; or, as a mobile users, click on the relative link in the left sidebar (private messages).
Users Management for MyWalls and PlayWalls:
We are working, now, to enhance the MyWalls with some new cool features; just a few days ago we have added the possibility to chose the “talking about” option; you can chose from different categories to let other users know what you are talking in that MyWall, some of that categories will change the way you manage your users in your MyWall. Yes. Because the next update, coming, is the possibility of add users, editors, moderators added from yourself. To add users in your mywall you must have the friendship. This is an example of what i’m talking about:

Insight Platform:
We are working, finally, on our insight platform coming out in the next days. There will be public and private sections, with views, shares and earnings section for every users with our exclusive MyCoins system. More informations will coming out the next days.
Contents AD Platform:
The AD Platform is coming too!!! Finally we have finished testing the platform and we will release it to the public soon; your contents will be highlighted to reach the most audience possible, without compromising the visibility of other users.
Stay Tuned if you want to know more!!! That’s all, for now, folks!!!
Have a nice day and keep on discovering new features every day!!!