The Messaging Platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - is a text based Messenger and one of the first dream becoming true; in fact we talked about this 2 years ago, at that time it
From today 11/02/2017 we have made an important change to the MyeTV‘s world. As stated in our guidelines timewalls are public walls and they were reached, before this change, through this url scheme “[wallname]/“; from today you must reach the public timewalls with this new url scheme “[wallname]/“. This changes are applyed to all the new
MyeTV is growing up… As it’s growing we should to make a better experience for all the users there. So updates done for today are focused on the experience of all the users on myetv. From today everyone can hide contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - (e.g. for the future coming
Today we talk about this new feature that we’ve implemented in the code of MyeTV. When you upload- [Upload: the action by a owners of the network of sending an image or audio or video file (named as content) from the device] - a video, an image or when you post something in your wall