Happy 12th birthday MYETV

It ‘s the time of year to sing Happy Birthday to MYETV®, and it is the 12th times, but Warner® does not let us to use his song for the festivities, so we update the entire site so that you can send the same song to your friends without breaking balls to half the world. I was just kidding :) don’t pirate!!!

For this year we have prepared great surprises, in addition to the great work done in recent months; the MYETV‘s platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] is nowadays one of the best platform in the entire web with a lot of unique and best features in the world. Let’s know what we have done:

  • During the month will be presented some new colored themes as surprises:
    BLACK PINK: a theme dedicated to our most beloved theme “Rose Quartz” with a shadow of black 
    ATLANTIS HEART: a brand new theme, inspired by the exist yellow&blue theme, with a color mix of Purple Heart (new blue) and Atlantis (new yellow).
  • MYCOINS are back
  • VOX: successfully activated in more areas of the World.
  • VOX: added the “Block key” or “block number” feature to block undesired messages (currently in testing) (late)
  • VOX: the send files features will be activated (currently in testing) (late)
  • All the platform got the Birthday update: design, features, speed and security are under the eyes
  • Internal Video player has been updated to the latest version with new features
  • The url to download the app is changed to downloadapp.myetv.tv and delivered thanks to Cloudflare Workers
  • The mobile app for Android reached the version 5.2 and got published on the GooglePlay Store and on the Amazon AppStore
  • Added a new link management different from desktop (link behaviour) or mobile apps (native)
  • Added a new sharing feature different for desktop (new browser window) or mobile app (native)
  • The sharer-[Sharer]: [the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] platform got an huge update; the sharer now ask you if you want to share or upload-[Upload]: [the action by a owners of the network of sending an image or audio or video file (named as content) from the device] contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] before showing up (in testing some new features)
  • important news: added the WebRTC (Web Real Time Communication) project to the sharer; this allows to take an audio or an animated gif picture or a video directly from the device camera and the device microphone (in testing for supported devices and desktops only)
  • Sharing external URL as some arguments like “news” will now show a notice before they are shared and the source of the content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] in the timeline will be always visible, this will help us preventing fake news or contents that should not be considered as “news” argument
  • Added about 470 languages from all over the World to the MYETV’s site language selection, for everyone
  • The MYCLOUD feature is updated with new features
  • A lot of MYAPPS-[MYAPPS]: [applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] are updated with new features
  • Added a new Map system
  • Added the Map Markers MYAPP
  • Updated the Calendar App
  • Adjusted menus and links
  • Added the ability to publish contents ahead of time and integration with the calendar app
  • Canvas animated backgrounds are completely removed speed and stability of the entire platform is improved
  • Fixed a design and loading glitch that causes the screen to freeze sometimes at page refresh (clientside related)
  • Latest security fixes and updates applyed to scripts
  • Most features are already operative. During the entire month we will add and update all the features…

This year MYETV‘s birthday has undergone several changes due to the situation created as a consequence of the pandemic COVID19; many of our collaborators struggle to reach each other because of the terror situation created by world governments and people. For this and other reasons we have decided to start an autonomous protest, aimed at all MYETV content networks, to shed light on the bad situations and the damage in which some institutions or authorities have created us. We will activate a special badge, such as MYAPP-[MYAPPS]: [applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network], which will be shown on content networks to raise public awareness of these problems for us; we just ask you to publish contents with geolanguage restrictions, content owners will be able to decide whether or not to activate it. The GeoLanguage functionality allows the owenr of the content/network-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] to hide the content in the timeline and make it visible only for users who have set specific languages; in this way the content still accessible for anyone but will be publicly visible on the platform only for that part of users with the correct language set.

The Geo-Language option of any content is now available for all the networks of contents and for any contents.

Thanks to your perseverance, your courage, your friendship, your advice and suggestions we are still here and we will be here again for a very long time. The whole platform, during this month, is celebrating; we are all back to work and we are all fine. But no one will forget the hard path we have made to get this far; our blog is always here at https://blog.myetv.tv for all of you to try to clarify your ideas and give you the right evidence on the wonderful and very hard work that has been done in these months.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day, folks!!!

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