As we have widely anticipated, from 4 December 2023 until 15 December 2023 we will celebrate the last major MYETV update of this 15th anniversary from the birth of the domain; we are presenting many surprises and new features for everyone. One of these is the new sub-domain which is a powerful application that allows anyone to manage different social networks from a single location; it is possible to write and schedule new posts on multiple social networks also using the innovative tools that we have made available such as the possibility of logging in via your social accounts, the possibility of scheduling your posts via an events calendar, the use a dedicated file manager, the ability to use artificial intelligence to write posts and create images, the ability to create and edit images online, and much more. It is also possible to connect different RSS feeds to automate the insertion of posts in your connected social networks; in this sense it is also possible to connect an RSS feed from your MYETV network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - to post new content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - automatically on different social networks, for this reason we have also added the possibility of modifying different options of your RSS feeds by managing your networks on MYETV. As I often do in these cases, I show you a list of updates that we are working on or have completed:
- As we always do we will celebrate with two new colored theme one xmas themed and one for the end of the year.
- Color of the year 2024 Peach Fuzz Bright
- Color of the year 2024 Peach Fuzz Dark
- Read more here:
- Added the following limits:
- For unlogged users: max. numbers of items to show in one page of the timeline from 5 to 25; max. page to show in all timelines 4; in the general calendar show max. 3 months in the past and 3 months ahead of the current date/time; same for the calendar inside a single network.
- For logged users: max. numbers of items to show in one page of the timeline from 5 to 50; max. pages to show in all timelines unlimited; in the general calendar show max. 12 months in the past and 3 months ahead of the current date/time; unlimited date/time for the calendar inside a single network.
- Now the homepage have tabbed buttons:
- All: that tab shows all the contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - available but will not show contents of private accounts or marked with the option to show it only in the homepage of the network
- Who i follow: that tab is available only for logged users and show all the contents of the network and acocunt that you are following and confirmed. That section will show all the contents also contents from private accounts or that are marked to view ony in the homepage of the network.
- Calendar: this show the general calendar or the network calendar in a new full-page view
- The new subdomain is such a large social management application that it needs several new posts to better explain; in the next few days we will present the new subdomain and we will also write some tutorials on how to best use it. Read more here:
- The special account- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - Y will be updated with new features also regarding the platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] -
- The new subdomain will display all the rss feed of the accounts and/or networks, with limits and options specified by the network owners- [Network Owner: the owner(s) of the referenced network of contents (or Network)] - ; the subdomain without any parameters will display always the RSS Feed of the last 10 new contents with privacy on “public”. Read more here:
- We’ve added several RSS feed options to your networks’ edit pages; it is possible to decide how many posts to show, whether to activate or deactivate the RSS feed functionality, and other options such as whether or not to display geolocalized posts or personalized privacy options for RSS feeds (public, only registered users, only followers- [Follower: a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] - ) or the possibility to make the visibility of the feeds possible only through specific domains (this serves to prevent some feed readers from accessing the contents).
- Important privacy updates on edit profile page: account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - networks can now decide whether to limit access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - to all their contents from the profile edit page (Public options – Setting privacy for access to all your contents); in this way it is possible to set a minimum option for access to all of your contents to “registered users only” or “followers only” and all your shared contents will have that privacy option without having to change it for each content; it is also possible to return to the “choice for each individual content” option at any time, in this way the option chosen when sharing each individual content will return.
- The “edit profile” page now have the section called “account options” where it can be possible to manage some options related to special accounts- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - (if activated)
- Some JS Libraries are now loading more fast and updated to the latest versions
- Network manifest received some design updates
- The is updated with new merchandise and more to come
- The new place at will allow get more visits to a content or more followers to a network by advertise them with MYCOINS virtual credits, from today in beta testing; works for this updates will continue to the end of the year, read more in this post of the blog:
- Added some new advertisements design, controlled only by MYETV
- Important communication: VOX will be disabled and no longer exist later this year. This means that many of the VOX features will no longer be available for everyone and will be disabled in cascade. Channel numbers will remain for registered and verified accounts only and/or networks only. The private message platform will remain active only for registered accounts and/or networks and will be called MYDM (MY DIRECT MESSAGE) and will replace the current platform while maintaining the same functionality. Read more here:
- MYRC (My Remote Control) will receive an important update that will change it’s functionality and we will make a new blog post when the updates for this features are ready. Read more in this post:
- Some design and features of MYRC will be updated too
- P2P- [Peer-To-Peer Network: is a network made up of many p2p keys that can communicate with each other held together by a central system that can control them] - modal will receive an update in design and some features. Please stay tuned to know more.
- Languages updates and a new feature view for the timeline will be added soon. Please stay tuned to know more.
- Geo-privacy options will be updated with some new features
- Added icons to select boxes in the edit profile page
- Descriptions in the timeline now can be expanded or compressed by pressing a link at the end of the description; in homepage when description is compressed then urls are not formatted as links, when description is expanded urls are formatted as links; in network homepage (or account homepage) url are always formatted as links.
- A border has been added to the text and icons of the timeline buttons for greater readability
- Title of the contents that is being watched, in the app for widescreen (tv), will be displyed at the top of the page
- The MYETV logo is now displayed at the top of the content in the app for firetv, androidtv and webos
- The MYETV logo is now displayed at the top of the page also in the play page and in the network page, the network name is displayed under the logo
- Added the fiscal code or VAT number in the “edit profile” in case you want to receive a fiscal invoice in the country of residence (this is not available in the entire world but only for country where fiscal receipt is required)
- Added automatic pdf tax invoices for transactions at
- Now all the platform can be temporarily translated by adding the ?Lang= quesrystring to the url (two digits language EN,FR,ES,IT); this will overwrite the site language only for that session (the language will return to the user’s settings without this querystring)
- The “watch together” feature will be out of testing for this month
- We have studied a new way have more informations about to delete the account with the help of
- Applications in the stores are updated:
- Android Mobile app:
- FireOS mobile app:
- FireTV App:
- Download the applications and get the store links in one place here:
- MYAPPS- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - updates:
- The advertiser MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - will be out of beta testing and available for everyone (more updates coming)
- The publishers MYAPP will be out of beta testing and available to everyone (more updates coming)
- Updated the languages models for the translations MYAPP
- Updated the album/serie MYAPP
- The MYAPP called “Playwall Custom Event” is now called “Playwall Event and Livestreaming- [Live Streaming: a live audio/video stream] - ” and now there is an option to make the playwall as simulated livestreaming (streaming is synced in multiple devices); to use this the MYAPP “TV Network (Playwall)” must be activated; the post of this MYAPP will be updated soon with the explanation of the new updates. Furthermore, an album/series can also be chosen as streaming
- Updated the MYDM (Messages) MYAPP
- stay tuned for more MYAPPS updates
- Terms of services, privacy policy and cookies policy updated with some new informations
- Stay tuned for more… Work on the updates will continue until the end of the year; new updates and surprises will be added to this post when will be ready

To better understand all the new powerfull features, we will write a new post every day from 4 December 2023 until 15 December 2023; we will add tutorials for the new social platform, for the new rss feed subdomain and many other surprises. Furthermore, by the end of the year we will post our usual annual report with everything we have presented during this very long year in which we also celebrated 15 years of MYETV‘s internet domain.
In the meantime, we wish you happy holidays, a sweet Christmas 2023 in our company. Thank you all for this wonderful days of the 15th anniversary of MYETV and in this year which will have to end in less than a month in the best possible way. Stay tuned for more updates, folks!