The last rush…


Hello friends!
The halloween has passed and the 7th chapter of the #codechange is live on MyeTV and will be developed by our people every day; we are working for the final rush of this year and will be the 8th chapter with a lot of new features and surprise! We are currently working on the new native Android application that will be released for the end of this year, an update on the Official Windows10 app, with the new insight platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - and a new update on the Advertising Platform and a lot of new features that regards myapps- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - … It is the final rush for the beginning of something big! We’re ready! Let’s be united and make some new stuff for our beloved world.
We will release this new important big updates at the end of this year.

lastminutedealsIn the meantime we must stabilize the MyApp- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - platform with new features, help and documents, doing so we will make minor changes again to our policy privacy and terms of services to meet the new features presented day by day. The last chapter of the #codechange will be the finish of this successful updates but all the project is only at the beginning! Help us to make this world bigger than ever!
We love you all for your works and your passions! Stay tuned and have a nice day, folks!!!

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