Follow / Unfollow people and MyWalls

Follow buttons for MyWalls and users are ready for all!


To follow MyWalls just click on the “follow” button like that:


the MyWall will be added in your friendlist and you can enter in the “friend circle”; you can see the newest update from that MyWall directy in your homepage. To unfollow just click on the button:



To add a friend to your friendlist just click on the same button as above with the text “Add Friend”. The user will be added in your friendlist and you can see the newest updates from that user directly in your homepage and you can send private or public messages.

Please note: MyWalls and users are different. No confirmation is requied when you follow a MyWall; when you add a user in your friendlist, he must confirm your action for privacy purposes. You can send messages only to users.

Stay tuned, folks… Because we have some great news just ready for all of you (again???yes!)!!! Have a nice daaayy ;)

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