The Multi Language MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - let the owner of the content- [Content Owner: the owner(s) of a content (usually includes all owners of the network that shared it)] - to specify max 4 languages from the 487 languages available, to link the content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - on a different language version of the same content; it’s possible to assign a link (URL), for every selected language, internal of MYETV or external.
The owner of this MYAPP can specified a title and a description and an icon, the geoip feature can be selected in the dashboard to restrict the view of this MYAPP to a selected country; the title of this MYAPP will be showed to the audience, while the description will be keep private. The Multi Language MYAPP let the owner of the content to specify max 4 languages from the 487 languages available, to link the content on a different language version of the same content; it’s possible to assign a link (URL), for every selected language, internal of MYETV or external. You can insert links (URLs) internal to MYETV or external links (URLs); it is important for users who click on links that the links respect the selected language. MYAPP can be activated through the MYAPP dashboard and then it can be assigned to any content through the content editing page. There is no other graphical interface besides the buttons containing the name of the selected languages.
The Multi Language MYAPP can be deployed in more different positions (activated by the owner of the network- [Network Owner: the owner(s) of the referenced network of contents (or Network)] - in the MYAPP dashboard):
- “content” with this selected position the Multi Language MYAPP can be viewed and selected in the “edit content” page to be shown to the viewer right under the content, before the related contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - or in the “play now” feature of the timeline.
- “timeline“: with this selected position the Multi Language MYAPP can be viewed and selected in the “edit content” page to be shown to the viewer as a button in the timeline; when pressing the button a modal window appear with all the selected languages for that content.
- To access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - at the feature the owner must have an own Network of Contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - and must have access to MYAPPS- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] -
- MYAPPS Guidelines and limits
- Owners can add max 4 links (URL) for every content where this MYAPP is activated
- Links (URL) can be internal or external to MYETV
- There is no limit on how many Multi Language MYAPP can be assigned to contents
- Title of the Multi Language MYAPP must be max 25 characters, description must be max. 140 characters
- The Multi Language MYAPP will be visible/accessible with the same privacy choosed for that content, independently for every contents added