This 2020 has been really tough for everyone but we have managed to roll out constant updates to improve every aspect of our platform- [Platform:the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - MYETV; it’s time, again, to wish a merry Christmas and a happy (better) New Year 2021… We have started this 2020 year with a totally new updates roadmap, indeed cumulative updates month by month are no more needed and blog posts are preferred with less technical explanations. During this year we’ve improved a lot the platform keeping in mind speed, usability, security and stability; we’ve start celebrating the 12th year of MYETV with a lot of news and updates; during the #halloweek2020 updates we’ve promised a massive updates for this last event of the year and we’re already on working from the start of December 2020 till the start of the 2021, these updates are not aimed to a particular functionality but are a global update that will affect the entire platform behaviours and some new features presentation. Let’s start saying what we have already done and what we have in mind next:
This blog theme is updated with a paged version of the homepage (no more infinite scrolling) and new features
Two new Themes of MYETV will be delivered during this event:
1. XGold: The name is short for “Christmas Gold” and represents the holiday season with colors like venetian red, chinese gold and verse green and some shadows of yellow.
2. Illuminating 2021: with the release of the colors of the year 2021 of Pantone, we have once again taken a cue from these new colors of the new year with this new colorful theme for MYETV.
Announcement from PHP team: PHP8 engine has been released on MYETV with performances and security fixes and a lot of improvements; the blog and the advertising platform remain with the previous stable version of PHP7 untill WordPress makes it compatible. This is a major update for the entire platform.
The entire search engine- [Search Engine:is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] - core features of MYETV is under a main review and heavy updates:
The search engine is now show at default in the homepage of MYETV
A cookie will remember the user choice of hide/show the search engine if a refresh occour
The new ?help tag will give to you an instant help about the features of the search engine
Activated by typing the slash “/” before the terms to search; can be combined with the backslash “\” to make a point-to-point search
Can search geographic latitude and longitude raw; can convert a place name in every language in a geographic latitude/longitude with a cache system
Fullscreen mode and zoom buttons inside the map
HTML5 GeoLocation feature basic or advanced with current static location (one time at load) or GPS watch mode with location updated everytime the device moves and calculating space between places inside map with meters units
Basic features for the first open-beta platform ready to be improved
Improved feature MYRC:
The platform at is online with a completely new interface and lot of improvements
Added the possible to use hashtags for the same subdomain “@” and “#”
The MYRC is now accessible from the home of MYETV and where available from the icon at the top of the page
Improved feature VOX:
VOX’s most anticipated update is coming soon
Improved search engine behavior across the platform
Improved and fixed custom and advanced search
The Play Page is improved with “Related Contents- [Contents:every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - ” from the network of contents- [Network of Contents:is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - ; the “Related Contents” works by comparing similar tags of the same network- [Network of Contents:is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - , the user behaviour is the same of the timeline in the homepage and can be disabled by the owner of the content- [Content Owner:the owner(s) of a content (usually includes all owners of the network that shared it)] - in every moment. is completely updated with a lot of new features and rely entirely on a global network powered by our CDN
Fast Web Scraping is enabled by default on the content- [Contents:every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - shared from external url; this exclusive feature can refresh the cached contents from external websites when the contents differs, no more need to manually update informations of shared contents. Can be disabled by the owner in every contents.
The sharer- [Sharer:the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] - of MYETV is updated with new features like the “Status” 140 characters to show next to the content shared and as an update in the timeline visible only to the followers- [Follower:a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] -
Design: we have improved the modal dialogs of the entire platform, now fit the entire screen, this improves how modals are show in large screens.
Terms of services and privacy policy are updated reflecting these updates
more updates are coming during the whole month…
I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Christmas 2020 and a better new year 2021; from the beginning of this year until the end we have worked constantly, despite the many problems it has inflicted on us this year. It wasn’t easy. We have lost people. Despite all these problems, but with many successes on our shoulders, we have arrived at the moment of the year when we have to leave everything behind to try to find a better future: the end of the year; not only do we have the opportunity to leave behind a few things we didn’t like, but we’ve also worked hard to bring changes that allow us to introduce new features; one of these, for example, is the new maps feature, which we added today to the search engine, which will be one of the most updated features in the coming months; already allows you to convert any place written in any language into geographic coordinates to be injected in the graphical maps of the world (reverse geocoding thanks to Nominatim). Not only. We have linked real images from satellites (LANDSAT8 imagery) and planning to do more in the upcoming updates of this feature. All these new features have led us to also update the Terms of Services and the Privacy Policy of MYETV.
Let’s recap all new subdomains of our creation updated or created in this time:
I hope all these updates will improve the way you all use the platform. This document will be updated day by day every time we add something new during this event. We still wish you the best for these holidays. See you next year, folks!!!
Please note: the official pages of myetv at FACEBOOK and/or TWITTER will keep informed followers when we will add more features and updates to this list.