Hello to all! The four chapters of the #codechange are going well, only a few months ago we have done a great work and we launched our new MyeTV with a completely new code and cutting edge of new technologies; it’s time to moving into new chapter of this amazing story: Connecting the Dots. This will be the 5th chapter and the first chapter of the summer season of 2016 !
The list of changes made to the entire platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - have reached the goals in charge and now we are ready for a new adventure that will allow us to connect all the features of MyeTV; In this chapter we will discuss the applications for mobile devices, the access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - via oauth authorization, the new timewall.tv website and many other new features.
The TimeWalls (brand walls)
With this update we will introduce the TimeWalls for every registered users; TimeWalls are the public version of MyWall, you can setup a new TimeWall with our new WallsManager (linked in the main menu); the platform let you know how many followers- [Follower: a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] - /unfollowers you have, how many mycoins it generate, how many views and many more.
Mobile Devices and timewall.tv
Timewall.tv will be updated with new informations and a new way to discover MyeTV from your Mobile Devices and similar; we are working on our new mobile app that will let you connect your MyCloud with every devices and many more exclusive features.
Social Signup/Access
With this update we will restore the possibility of signup and/or access on MyeTV with your social (or external) accounts; these will be the new supported services: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Linkedin; our terms of services, related to this arguments, will get updated when the platforms are ready. We’ve used the oauth techniques and others proprietary techniques to make secured requests to the supported services and retrieve the informations required to setup a new MyeTV account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - ; when your account is created, you’ll be abled to access with only one click in a secure way.
MyRC (search engines)
MyRC is now ready to be partially released; from the #codechange the MyRC search engine- [Search Engine: is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] - is under development; works in these months have focused on some new features related on this search engine. The possibility of integration with mobile devices, the possibility of integration with the exist country-code phones infrastructure and the possibility of the integration with our new TimeWalls. We hit all three possibilities. I can not tell you anything. Just have some patience and let our people work.
eMSG & PMP (Private Messages)
The Private Messaging Platform is currently under development and will be ready during the months of this chapter with many other surprises; we’ve just talked about this a lot.
Insight platform
The statistics platform is getting better and better every day; users can now know how many views and where they come from with our vectorial map platform, percentage and average of the views and many more; if you are the owner of the content- [Content Owner: the owner(s) of a content (usually includes all owners of the network that shared it)] - (or contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - ) you have many more options and you can setup your own view to learn about the progress of your contents over time.
Google Maps
We’ve added two new features attached to the Location field, for every content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - (where the owner of the content enable it); users can now switch for 3 maps: vectorial (default), satellite and street view. It is possible that we will add more features in the future to better understand the uses of this new features.
FrontLine Image, images and animated images
We have updated the way you watch images uploaded and saved to MyeTV; you can setup your TimeLine image (the image of your MyWall or TimeWall) in a few simple steps and when you click on the TimeLine Image you will see the informational card about your Wall, or you can post a content with an image or an animated image (.gif); when you explore the content you can click on the image to view it in the normal dimensions or zoom in or zoom out and have more controls on the image. This is a new technique developed by MyeTV team.
Emoji and Save Video features
The video platform is currently under development and will be ready during the month of this chapter; furthermore we have recenlty added the new Emoji (emoticons) system and someone says that it will be implemented with our exclusively video encoding software- [Program/Software: the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs] - to make the watermark like an emoji. It was not me! I didn’t say that! But it is a very good idea! :)
All of these features will requires some time to be at 100% of their power; in the time of the update we will assure the full compatible mode possible with every devices and browsers. We will working also on the new MyApps- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - Manager that is currently under development.
Keep connecting the dots guys&girls :) we love you! Stay tuned for more, folks!!!