MYETV has a history. This place have an history. Every years during the month of April we celebrate the birthday of our first programmer and founder (the only one probably still alive or not yet arrested after almost 15 years); this is a very hard time and in fact who is writing to you is the founder :) several logistical problems, not caused by us, forced us to work for a whole year without being able to move; this has caused numerous problems for our work. One of the most well-known problems was the cyber attack of August/September 2020, but also several other situations also in 2021 in which it was necessary to get together to work; Sometimes, with a lot of courage, we updated the parts of the platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - by ourselves without even coordinating, during the construction of some apps we had to proceed in the dark without suitable tools and without test personnel. This situation is truly scandalous. Not only for our history (over 15 years online) but also for the entire countries we live in. This is a main-update and includes a number of features that will be posted separately, day after day; we start from mid-March 2021 to finish in mid-April 2021, the post will be updated and shared in our officila social pages every time some update is ready.
This time we will try to make a big update for everyone, even for the long-awaited features not implemented in the past updates; let’s start anticipating what you will see by the end of this week then we will continue to improve the features:
- Two new colored themes to present by the end of this update [coming soon]:
- Birthday 2021: this new theme is dedicated to the 4 April 2021 (celebrating owner birthday) and it’s a combination of a light yellow pastel color called “Portafino” and a tint of blue named “Lavender Indigo” and a little “Azure”. Enjoy it and happy birthday to our founder
- Cloudy: this theme is created at the end of the updates and is formed by two principal colors “Metallic Seaweed” and “American Silver” and is ispired by cloudy skies colors
- New Web-App for TV screens: presented the new web-app at with a new interface dedicated to wide screens and high speed connections; you have to reach a tv from your TV-browser in just 3 seconds with any keyboard? Try, find it at
- NEW “MYETV 2021 (UN)LIMITED COLLECTION” for the store at
- MYCLOUD update: new exclusive feature on mycloud let you download your original uploaded files in all your device connected to your account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - ; the era of the shared folders is just at the beginning
- Crawler improved for the url sharer- [Sharer: the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] -
- Added a new sharer experience for Twitter using cards
- Added a new way to share contents- [Sharer: the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] - with CloudFlare Stream (updated the sharer with new informations)
- Iimplementation of Twitter-Bootstrap5: The Twitter team has worked really hard to bring us the next update for Bootstrap “5” which will be implemented during this month on MYETV as soon as the beta-testing phase is completed [coming soon] [probably postponed]
- “MAPS” & “GEO” NEW FEATURE: The GeoLocation or GeoPosition feature is now implemented with success also in every native app- [Native Applications: the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] - for every operating system for every users connected with the ability to enable or disable test features such as GPS
- NEW “SILENCE” FEATURE: The “silence” button allows you to silence one or more contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - or an entire network of contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - . [coming soon]
How it works? This is a feature available for everyone logged and unlogged users, works with a client-side database built in HTML5 and local storage, and allows everyone to hide form eyes some contents or an entire network of contents; contents hided will have no links, the description and the image will be hided and cannot be played automatically (watch now or autoplay); plus a button will appear at the right of the content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - to view the content (by clicking the button) as a normal one, with all features active. - NEW “PEGI” RESTRICTIONS: PEGI restrictions will also be extended to content networks and the related “follow” button; they will not have technical restrictions on the content or on the network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - , but a banner will be displayed informing users before clicking on the “follow” button
- NEW “PEGI” RESTRICTIONS: PEGI restriction banner for networks of contents is now available also in the timeline and in the play page
- Updated and fixed some timeline’s behaviour with hided contents and the watch now feature
- UPDATED THE MOBILE APP: The App for Microsoft Store, Google Play and Amazon AppStore have received and will receive important updates during this time
- NEW TV SCREEN SWITCH FOR APP: from today the app will ask if it detect a screensize bigger than the expected; you have the possibility to switch to the app for Wide Screen and TV devices. The warning can be silenced and in the “MOBILE SETTINGS” or “PLATFORM SETTINGS” you can switch between the two versions.
- ADDED THE GEOLOCATION MENU: inside the main menu in the section “SETTINGS – GEOLOCATION” to open geolocation options
- ADDED THE “SHARER TOOLS” MENU: only for registered users, inside the main menu in the section “MY NETWORKS – SHARER TOOLS“
- MYRC UPDATES: the MYRC keyboard is undergoing a design maintenance some new features coming soon like hide the search engine- [Search Engine: is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] - in the app and show only the keyboard
- DESIGN UPDATES: the UI design is reviewed and fixed to meet new features
- DESIGN UPDATES: some buttons at the top of the homepage are now moved into the top-bottom-menus; the two top-bottom-menus at the top of the homepage are now colored with the dark theme
- Added the “OPTIONS” tab in the tab-menu to edit settings dedicated to the timeline
- Feature “show only who i follow”, for logged in users, is now improved with a new button and dedicated settings in the OPTIONS tab
- Fixed “Custom Search” design and feature improved
- FIX MODALS: The opening of a modal now will not jump to the top of the page
- Fixed the breadcrumbs in all the platforms (navigations inside search engine and others)
- Fixed the recovery of passwords; We have found a problem in recovering passwords via email; the procedure is now working, the password of the accounts can be changed by email within 10 minutes after the sending of the recovery email.
- Fixed push notifications and emails locales (languages)
- VOX UPDATES: fixed a problem with VOX and some type of clients and added VOX dashboard into the “communications” menu
- VOX UPDATES: VOX will be update with new features and finally the possibility to share real-time audio recordings between two people [coming soon]
- Minor update to the Terms of Services and the Policy Privacy are required [coming soon]
- more updates coming soon…
We will update this list day by day, whenever there is an important update to be accounted for; MYETV is a very large platform with decades of activity behind it and always on the move, we always try to get our work to you as transparent as possible; for this reason we continue to modernize, we change many things while always remaining faithful to what is the initial project. We remind you that MYETV was born in a period in which two famous platforms prevailed on the Internet that currently have closed due to various problems; we are there. We are always here for anyone who needs it, our primary contacts are public, we explain the things we do in this blog, we never ran away and we will never run away because we have nothing to hide and nothing to lose. After this little clarification, I greet you and refer you to the appointments of these months to celebrate with us the next MYETV update for everyone; thanks for reading this; have a nice day, folks!!!