Android – MYETV Mobile App [Google Play Store]

The app is currently available in Google Play Store for all devices with the latest Android or with minimum version of API level 23 (Android 6.0  Marshmallow). The Android App is developed also for the Amazon AppStore where the app can be downloaded and installed for supported devices.


(V9.x) 2023/2024/2025 – Production Release – [] [GooglePlay Store]
Available for 20.653 devices and 86 localizations; with 42 authorizations, 9 features, 4 screen layout.

  • 02/03/2025: the new version 9.8.5 (985) includes updates to the SDKs and some new design updates; added the button for the new picture-in-picture mode in the quick menu at the top-right; fixed the share button with the native sharing dialog. Available in the official Google Play Store for Android devices.
    Download size: 7.95MB – Update size: 5.7MB
  • 18/10/2024: the new version 9.8.4 (984) includes updates to the SDKs and a new picture-in-picture mode that can be activated by pressing a button (by pressing the MYETV logo you can view the button); the app now will be closing when goes to the background; the picture-in-picture mode can be activated manually, no more automatically. The app is now playing in fullscreen mode but taskbars will temporary shown if you swipe up or down.
    Download size: 7.71MB – Update size: 3.78MB
  • 1/7/2024: the new version 9.8.0 (980) definitive version includes major codes changes, tested with emulators API35 nad real devices API34, updates the qrcode window and authorization requests and picture-in-picture mode (now contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - continue to play in pip mode) and security updates (API level min 23) with 20.139 supported devices,all sdk updated to the latest versions, target the new Android API35, new gradle 8.9, new features like the ability to lock/unlock the app with hardware biometric or the ability to send push notifications directly in-app or the support for hardware acceleration or a new in-app browser as default for all the subdomains of MYETV and many more javascript APIs. Available for everyone by MYETV’s 16th anniversary at 1st July 2024; available as update or new installation in the official Google Play Store.
    File size: 9.32MB – Download size: 7.7MB – Update size: 3.94MB
  • 29/02/2024:  the new version 9.0.8 (908) includes minor codes and design improvements and security updates, sdk updates, and gradle update; available as update in the official Google Play Store. Installation size: 12.3MB – update size: 8.25MB
  • 01/12/2023: the new version 9.0.6 (906) includes minor codes improvements and security updates, sdk updates, a new screen orientation system selected by device for mobile (system settings) and portrait/landscape (auto) orientation for tablets; moreover the app will no longer listen for the touch (left-swipe) event to go back. Available as update in the official Google Play Store. Installation size: 12.4MB – update size: 3.54MB
  • 09/10/2023: the new version 9.0.4 (or 904) includes minor code and security updates, sdk updates and is ready for the api level 34 and Android 14. Introduces a new feature called “block screen” activable by pressing the MYETV’s logo and the the button “block screen” and allow the user to block the screen while the app still in running; to unblock the screen, just double tab the button at the top of the screen or close the app. New installation size: 12.3MB – update size: 8.25MB
  • 15 August 2023: the new version 9.0.3 (or 903) is an update of the previous one with a focus on the new pull-to-refresh feature now available only for specific elements in the page; also it comprends minor security updates and features updates. New installation size: 11.1MB – update size: 6.87MB
  • 01 July 2023: The brand new version 9.0.2 (or 902) comprends a major code and features updates. Compatible with the new version API 34 (min version API 22), with a completely new UI no more in fullscreen and the titlebar is customized with the MYETV’s default color with dynamically customizable colors via javascript; all the SDK are updated to the latest version, improved the loading speed, improved scrolling, improved the pull to refresh, improved push notifications, improved system menus, improved url handling and links handling with an in-app browser, improved permissions handling, improved cache and cookie options, improved cross-site scripting handling, improved the QR-code reader, improved the offline mode pages, improved SSL certificate handling (the app will refuse to open broken SSL links with not valid certificate), improved splash screen and javascript alerts… And much more!
    – Original file size: 11.8MB – New installation size: 11.1MB – Update sizes: 6.98MB
    – Native Platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - : arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
  • Download it on the official GooglePlay Store or directly from


(V8.x) 2022 – Production Release – [] [GooglePlay Store]
Available for 19.172 devices and 86 localizations; with 40 authorizations and 9 features.

  • 04 June 2023: The version 8.1.4 updates the sdk and gradle to the latest sources and some minor codes updates; fixed a problem with the Play Store which erroneously reported the lack of the link for the privacy policy (during the service move to Linux), the result is that the app was removed from the Play Store and cannot be updated but it must be redownloaded and installed as new. This new update will reintroduce the app into the Play Store. Release size: 7,66 MB, update sizes 3,59 MB released as new update of the previous version, not mandatory.
  • 21 February 2023: The version 8.1.2 updates the sdk and agp to the latest sources and some minor codes updates; major design updates like a new UI and a new UIX with new features and new menus. Release size: 7,84 MB, update sizes 3,82 MB released as mandatory update of the previous version.
  • 29 December 2022: The version 8.1.1 updates the sdk and agp to the latest sources; some app UIX are updated with new features and some codes are migrated from android manifest to build files and also some kotlin code are migrated. Release size: 7,67 MB, released as mandatory update of the previous version.
  • 15 November 2022: The version 8.1.0 introduces a new ui interface and fixes and improves various design problems; release size: 7,67 MB, update size: 3,33 MB released as mandatory update of the previous version.
  • 09 November 2022: the version 8.0.9 introduces minor code improvements with improved code and updates SDKs.
  • 1 Semptember 2022: the version 8.0.8 introduces major code improvement with a completely rewritten codes and new features; the first open of the app now wait the choice of one time authorization dialogs; the splash screen now is visible till the app load the page; a fix for url handling and tabs; the device association login- [Login: an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] - is now fixed; plus added a lot of new features:,, android.hardware.faketouch, android.hardware.location, android.hardware.location.gps, android.hardware.microphone, android.hardware.nfc, android.hardware.sensor, android.hardware.telephony; the app is builded for SDK33 available from API 22 to API 33, available for 19.172 Android devices (13.274 Smartphones, 4.495 Tablets, 1.253 TVs [for AndroidTV here], 81 Indossable, 5 Automobile, 60 Chromebook), with 40 authorization, 9 features, 4 screen layout, native platform arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64, with original size of 8,44MB download size of 7,3MB. Available as update on the official Google Play Store as fastest as possible.
  • 14 June 2022: the version 8.0.0 includes minor code improvements and a new SDK(33) with new icons design. 
  • Download it on the official GooglePlay Store or directly from

(V7.x) 2021 – Production Release – [download] [GooglePlay]
Available for 16.748 devices. Phone: 11.537 devices. Tablet: 4.170 devices. TV: 923 devices. Indossable: 59 devices. Auto: 6 devices. Chromebook: 53 devices.

  • 1 May 2022: The version 7.9.8 is builded with the new JAVA11 updates, added the new gogole play integrity api, with an updated plugin version and updates sdks
  • 26 January 2022: the version 7.9.6 fixes WebRTC permissions request
  • 20 January 2022: the 7.9.3 (new version number with 3 integer readed as “793”) updates includes numerous minor improvements with the new SDK (target version 32) Android 12L, plugins version updated and includes new permissions schema to work with the new WebRTC (Real-Time Communications); fixed a bug that loop the platform at logout or cookie deletions. A QR-Code scanner is now builded inside the application for various purposes. Officially in the Google Play Store (as bundle) or directly downloadable here (as APK):
  • 30 November 2021: the 7.8 update includes all the features of the previous releases with a clean minified and obfuscated code, improvements on SDK and a first screen more fast to load. The new content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - -security of the Play Store is succesfully compiled to help users discover how the private data are protected, before the download. Officially in the Google Play Store (as bundle) or directly downloadable here (as APK):
  • October 2021: The 7.6 bundle production release inlcudes all the features in the previous releases with improvements on JAVA code side dependencies updates and more improvement to make it more fast and stable for every Android mobile devices.
  • 8 September 2021: The 7.4 production release updates includes all the features in the previous releases and added a new animated splash screen with white background and new assets; plus general SDK and dependencies updates. The 7.4 is the version currently published in the official store.
  • The 7.2 and the later version 7.3 [BETA-TESTING] updates added the support for picture-in-picture mode and background execution while using the device; switching by another app or swipe the app will leave the app playing in background, instead of closing it; controls to close the app or disable the PiP mode will be displayed in screen. This feature is available from API level 24 or higher and with a device that have enough RAM to display the picture in picture screen.
  • The 7.1 update makes the app completely available for new devices with Android 12 (SDK31); improvements on speed and a new native sharer- [Sharer: the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] - dialog. All the feature of 7.0 are still available. Available for 15.411 devices. APPROXIMATE SIZE: 7,26 MB
  • The new code version 7.0 bundle is a major update, native app- [Native Applications: the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] - code is rewritten with latest SDK(31) ready for Android11; the app contains all the updates described in the beta versions: new drawings and icons, updated SDKs, the no longer native progress bar, push notifications back active and the division between TV and mobile devices. Available for: 15.402 devices. Min API level 22, Max API level 31. Download it on GooglePlay or directly from


The version 7.0 adds new icons in assets folder and is ready 100% for the production launch for mobile devices with Android (15.381 available devices, no AndroidTV). Production launch will occour 24/72 hours after this BETA release. The app for AndroidTV will be presented after the production launch of this app.

We present the imminent availability of version 6.9 bundle which will replace the previous one (6.6) in the BETA channel. Solved numerous problems of the previous version and added news: player’s contents will now autoplay correctly, progress bar is no more native but controlled inside the application, native push notifications are back, ready for Android 12 (SDK31). This version is still in the BETA channel for users who partecipate in the BETA. When the application will be promoted to “in production” it will be possible to receive the update also for non-beta testers.

The new version 6.6 bundle is a major update which includes a series of updates to the application’s native code; this version is exclusively released for beta-testers enrolled in the MYETV Beta program- [Program/Software: the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs] - on the Google Play Store. This version includes many improvements to the native code and finally splits the two applications one for mobile devices and the second for televisions (widescreens), the second currently under construction under the name of “MYETV FOR TV” (codenamed “MYETV4TV”). Thus making the mobile application much faster to download and use. Improvements include SDKs updated to the latest versions, stability and security improvements and application download weight improvements; as well as a new first launch notice that warns of the use of cookies and new assets and designs. When the application will be promoted to “in production” it will be possible to receive the update also for non-beta testers.

(V6.4 & V6.5) June/July 2021 – Production Release – [download] [GooglePlay]

The new code version 6.5 bundle is a minor update to the V.6.3 (below) and it fixes and add the button “close the application” in the menu (now works correctly) also for mobile devices and all the libraries are updated with the latest releases. Available for: 10.717 mobile devices, 3.544 tablet devices, 767 TV devices, 4 wearable devices, 1 Google Auto (car devices), 51 Chromebook devices. Download it on GooglePlay or directly from

(V5.9) & (V6.0/1/2/3) May 2021 – Production Release – [download] [GooglePlay]

The new code version 5.9 and 6.0 bundle bring to us a lot of improvements for TV devices and TV screen; the app is compiled with the new style for AndroidTV Leanback and will natively detect wich version of the app to load (mobile or TV for widescreen) by invoking the dedicated activity for TV devices (AndroidTV) or the main one for mobile devices. In the version 6.3 Added a button to close the application. It’s now available for 14.905 devices, with 87 localizations, 34 authorizations and available in 151 country; native platforms arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 min. API level 22 max API level: 30 (Android 11). Download it on GooglePlay or directly from

(V5.6) March 2021 – Production Release – [download] [GooglePlay]

The new code version 5.6 bundle bring to us a lot of improvements for live audio supporting, for notifications, for offline screen, for geolocation, for app permissions and many more improvements; adds new features like interstitial ad from googleAdMob, a new immersive sticky interface mode with transparent system bars, an option to prevent the device to going into sleep mode while using the app and many more new features that will be implemented in the next updates. It’s available for 13.411 devices, with 87 localizations, 34 authorizations and available in 151 country; native platforms arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 min. API level 22 max API level: 30 (Android 11).
Please note: due to an improvements in user authorizations it’s maybe needed to make a fresh install of the app to make it work properly.

(V.5.4) December 2020 – Production Release [download] [GooglePlay]

Code version 5.4 bundle is online in The Google Play Store as the end of the year 2020 updates. This update bring to the app the latest features updates and documentations for Android Bundle (Android native devices), this app, and Android APK (for Amazon and third parties devices) from today comes with two different blog post, a new post will be added when the update will be ready for third parties devices/store. The updates fix a lot of design issue especially with large screens (chrome book or similars), it is available for 13.114 devices, with 85 localizations, 34 authorizations and available in 151 country; native platforms arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 min. API level 21 max API level: 30 (Android 11). Download it from
Size: 3.76MB

(V.5.2 / V.5.3) August 2020 – Production Release [download] [GooglePlay]
Code version 5.3 is online in The Google Play Store and in the Amazon AppStore. Code version 5.2 is online in the Google Play Store (version deprecated by the 5.3 update). Available for 7 screen layout, 86 languages,+12.000 devices with a min APIlevel of 21 for 4 native platform arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64. Ready for Android11 (R). Released is compliant with 64-bit architettures.
The version 5.3 brings the app to a lot of new Amazon devices (like FireTV) with new OS based on Android (Like Fire OS) into the Amazon App Store; more than 130 devices are now supported in the Amazon AppStore. Released both in the Google Play Store and in the Amazon App Store (as variant).
The version 5.2 was available on in the Play Store and fixes the autoplay of the players in the webview (now works without requiring additional gestures) and add new permissions to work with the new WebRTC HTML5 implementation for the 12th birthday of MYETV.
For 5.2 Update users: this new version require one new permission that maybe require unistall and reinstall the app to work properly, the autoplay feature can be enabled in the settings of the app by press the logo. For 5.2 Newer users: the autoplay is enabled by default, it can be disabled in the settings of the app.
Size: 4MB

(V.4.6 / V.4.8 / V.5.0) June/July 2020 – Beta Release [download] [GooglePlay]
As a surprise for the 12th birthday of MYETV the app code has been completely rewritten and many native features have been added to the Android platform such as: sharing has been completely renewed, native notifications have been improved, an initial native splash screen has been added to speed up opening, several in-app modules have been activated that allow us to communicate directly natively with Google Cloud and Firebase servers and many other features have been added. The number of available devices has been increased, making the application available also for the minimum version of Android “API level 21”. The cache and security of the whole app has been significantly improved. In 2019 our app model took 9th place in the ranking of the best apps … And this is simply the best version of the Android app for MYETV ever.
Code version 48 is online in the Google Play Store available for 7 screen layout, 74 languages,+12.000 devices with a min APIlevel of 21. Released is compliant with 64-bit architettures. The version 4.6 comes ot from beta-testing group. The version 4.8 contain minor fixes and it is a reccomended update.
Size: 3,58MB

(V.3.6) 28 May 2020 [download] [GooglePlay]
This is the middle-year update for Android app and includes security updates, stability updates and more supported devices; code version 36 is online in the Google Play Store available for 7 screen layout, 74 languages,11.693 devices with a min APIlevel of 22. Released is compliant with 64-bit architettures.
Size: 2,49MB

(V.3.4 & V.3.5) 12 December 2019 [released]
The update follows all the specify of Android App Bundle to reduce one more time it’s file size; it is the first peer- [P2P Peer: is a term used to refer to a user who has already been assigned a P2P key inside the peer-to-peer network] - app to be so small, in terms of storage. The App bundle with code version 34 is online in the Google Play Store available for 7 screen layot, 74 languages, 9777 devices with a min APIs level of 22 and the new support for the APIs level 29 (Android10 or Q), a new responsive layout small, normal, large, xlarge for every type of screen size; plus we add some new features like the block screen feature to put your mobile device into your pokets and continue to use the app without the need to completely block the screen and the new Immersive-Fullscreen view; it have 3 Android Native functions “”, “android.hardware.faketouch”, “android.hardware.location” and it requires a total of 30 safest hidden authorization inside the device. It is the best version ever for Android devices!
Size: 2,49MB

(V.3.2 & V.3.3) 09 April 2019 [released]
The app is updated with new “bundle” apk that allow faster installation and updates and new assets for 4 new screen layout, it is android-auto ready and compatible with the latest specifications for android operating system; min. API level 22+ – max. API level 28 (Android P or Android 9.0), 7 screen layout, available for +74 languages, translated in 5 languages, available for 8318 devices. Added 3 new functions and new authorizations that may require the reinstallation of the app with the Play Store (uninstall and then install again from the Play Store).
Size: 3,43MB 

(V.3.0 & V.3.1) 08 November 2018 [released]
The app is updated for more modern devices, added push notifications, added geoip (via GPS) confirmation, fixed security and performance problems and design improved; min. API level 23+ (Android M or Android 6.0) max. API level 28 (Android P or Android 9.0), 4 screen layout, available for +81 languages, translated in 2 languages, available for 12461 devices.

(V.2.9) 07 November 2018 [released]
The app is updated for more modern devices, fixed a security problem and the new Google signup button; min. API level 21+ (Android LOLLIPOP) max. API level 28 (Android P), 4 screen layout, available for +81 languages, translated in 5 languages, available for about 10.000 devices.
This app will be conserved in the store for the compatibility with the old versions of Android.

(V.2.8) 02 April 2018 [released]
The app is updated for more modern devices, fixed a security problem and the new Google signup button; min. API level 17+ (Android JELLY BEAN) max. API level 26 (Android Oreo), 4 screen layout, available for +81 languages, translated in 5 languages, available for 12461 devices.

(V.2.7) 12 January 2018 [released]
The app is updated for modern devices with new assets and design for icons, splash screens, and store (new black logo); min. API level 15+ (Android Ice Cream Sandwich) max. API level 26 (Android Oreo), 4 screen layout, available for 13709 devices.

(V.2.5) 1 December 2017 [released]
We’ve fixed and improved many functionalities and added translations for offline contents in the following languages: italian, english, spanish, french and german. We’ve released new assets for the play store and supported new devices. API minimum level 15+ max. API level 26 (Oreo), 4 screen layout, available for 13431 devices.

(V2.4) 14 September 2017 [released]
We have released the new version of the Android app with a lot of new features and it is available for new devices with API level target 26, Android 8.0 (O – Oreo) or below. Minimum Required: API level 15 or above, it support +81 languages and +12.766 mobile and tablet devices, 4 screen layouts, OpenGL 1.0+ and it can work in ChromeOS too. The Android app is created with JAVA language and it is completely native; it uses our own webkit webbrowser control to connect the device to the website and let you explore all the features, the bottom menu let you explore the features of MYETV with only a few gestures/clicks and you can hide it by rotating the device. You can register or login with your MYETV or Google accounts.

We’ve added new assets and splash screens. Cache and loading bars are native so the boot time of the app is improved, almost all website features are bundled with the app and optimized for mobile experience; we’ve finally added the auto-play and the network of contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - for Android app too.

No more public or private internal APIs will be used during the connection for retrieving objects or your data, inside the app.

Previous version (V1.x)

To download the official released app: