Organizing updates March/April 2018

This year we will experiment a new schedule for MYETV‘s updates: every two months; this will bring us more time to improve features and all the platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system]. March/April 2018 are the first two months with cumulative updates focused to the usability of the entire platform.

This is the first of a big chapter of updates ending on autumn 2018; we will add more and more features and design updates to the entire website. This months we have focused on design, usability and myapps-[MYAPPS]: [applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] improvements:


  • Added two new themes:
    1) “The Spring“: this new coloured theme recalls the colors of Spring like the “Spring Green”,”Medium Spring Green”,”Dark Spring Green” and some of spring colors like orange and violet.
    2) “Liberty“: this new theme is builded with “Liberty” Blue and “Baby Powder” white and the combination of this two colors is wonderful.
  • Improved design for any screen size and device
  • Improved design and positions of the buttons for the network-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners]’s manifest
  • Improved design and positions for myapps and messages platform
  • Added new mini logo for outside the homepage
  • Fixed design glitch on modals
  • Fixed design glitch on canvas objects
  • Improved design for various section of the website
  • Improved design for all the loading bars laso for mobile apps


  • Improved the profile’s page / network’s page with a more user-friendly approach
  • Deprecating the left-sidebar search engine-[Search Engine]: [is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform]; added followers-[Follower]: [a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] search only for logged users
  • Improved the “show related contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video]” feature in the contents edit page: now the platform will randomly search for tags of the content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] and will inject them in the search engine at the bottom of the page.
  • Building and improve the moderators platform
  • Introducing “Emotions
  • Improved MYRC search engine: you can reach your favourite network of contents-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] with a simple network’s number; with the predefined keyboard in the right toolbar or by type “@”, followed by the number of the network, in the main search engine.
  • Improved the EMSG platform with more functions for every logged users
  • Added and improved menu options for every contents
  • The sharer-[Sharer]: [the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] and the search engine are now separated
  • Added licenses informations for all type of contents and added special licenses from the host of the shared contents, where possible.
  • Added consent and informations for personal data processing in the signup page as stated with EU laws


  • Improved the app “PLAYWALL CUSTOM EVENT”: owners can now choose if show the “onair” button or not; owners must specify a start date and an end date for every event, these are by default the date time of now for the start and the date time of now plus one hour for the end; events could last forever or just at least one hour.
  • Added new app “CALENDAR”: a new app that track for everyone live events (if any), playwalls activities (if any) and will let you program-[Program/Software]: [the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs] your time table for the journey(on testing). Builded thanks to the repository and is thinked to work out of the box (events and activities of playwalls and networks are tracked also if the app is off); works in every time-zone, this calendar app will automatically convert the specified date/range to the corrected time-zone of the viewers; and will bring to you the possibility to see the past and the future events and activities of the specified network of  contents. We will improve this app with more features soon.
  • Added and improved new app “EMSG“: this app let you embed inside the network or inside the contet an integrated Messenger, builded thank to the MYRC search engine.
  • New apps on the way to be developed: “PAY-TO-VIEW” and “MYCOIN SUBSCRIPTIONS”
  • MYAPP guidelines will be updated soon with more informations about these new apps.


  • Fixed various aspect of the search engines
  • Added the number of the networks of contents for everyone
  • Fixed technical glitch on the signup page
  • Fixed oauth login-[Login]: [an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] for Android devices (with Google Account-[Account]: [an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password])
  • Improved and updated the oauth login for Facebook
  • Fixed some technical issues with the private message platform
  • Improved the security of all the platform with more CSRF tokens
  • Added the “Content-Security-Policy” scheme to disable more XSS Attacks (more informations here:
  • Improved urls for fetching video contents (where stored inside MYEV) with tokens and security checks
  • Improved the video encoding software-[Program/Software]: [the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs] (updated) with faststart option
  • Deprecated the Flash fallback for new videos (from today); HTML5 player will run in every device as default without fallback. Past videos still use the old Flash player (when required)
  • Switch to HLS only for IOS devices
  • Improved the “accessAccess [the simple access to a website as a visitor] control” section with more informations about your access on MYETV
  • Fixed urls of networks: now urls are case-insensitive for both networks; just for private networks urls are now legacy with the nickname (if any) and the browser will redirect to the url as nickname, if the owner don’t setup a nickname then the username is used for the url as default.

Surprises aren’t finished yet! We will add new features and improvements on this list during these months. I hope you will like all the new apps that we have build for your networks of contents; we are working hard to meet your needs and to build always a better MYETV

Most of the major improvements in this list are on testing purposes that will during almost 2 months for every feature to get the most out of it and improve it. We costantly improve all the features during this time.

Thank you for reading this…. That’s all, folks!!! :)

This document is subjected to changes and updates

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  1. Pingback: Organizing updates May/June 2018 | Official MyeTV Support Blog

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