
WEBOS TV – MYETV for TV [LG Content Store]

The app is currently available in LG Content Store for all Webos TV devices. The App for TV devices is developed also for the Amazon AppStore where the app can be downloaded and installed for supported devices. NATIVE APP-[Native Applications]: [the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] [download] –

WEBOS TV – MYETV for TV [LG Content Store] Lire la suite »

“You Choose” your data protection

Today we introduce the “You Choose” button link, or “Data Protection” button in the menu, that permits to have better control of your privacy on the MYETV platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system]; whenever

“You Choose” your data protection Lire la suite »