New Recycle Bin and Automatic Deletion of Contents

MYETV is not a place to store information for personal purposes for an extended period of time; for these purposes there are services suitable to do this, some of these are obviously paid services. We therefore thought of creating a new “Recycle Bin”, which will be used every time a published content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] has to be deleted; we have also thought of a way to automatically delete the contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] published with the “Only me” privacy (visibility or accessAccess [the simple access to a website as a visitor]) after a predefined time (3 months) that they are not updated by the owner. All of these upgrades took some time to build and today we are proud to present the results to you.

The Recycle Bin

This button is only visible to content owners, in the timeline options on their own content network-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners]. To understand how the “Recycle Bin” works, it is necessary to understand how the contents published on MYETV were deleted. A button at the bottom of the content edit page can be used to delete the content; the contents are not deleted instantly, but a “flag” will be applied which will make the content invisible to anyone; whenever this “flag” is present in a content, the content is considered definitively in the “Recycle Bin”. For each content present in the “Recycle Bin” the owner have 30 days to try to restore it, after that time the same content will be permanently removed from the platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system]. The content will simply be moved from the main database, to another one created specifically for the removed content ready to be physically and securely deleted from the disk (if the content is a video); this latter database is inaccessible to anyone.

Automatic Deletion of Contents

This procedure is automatic and valid for all content published by any content network. The contents published with the privacy settings set to “Only me” and which have not received any updates from the owners of the content network for over 3 months, will be automatically inserted in the “Recycle Bin” and ready to be removed (or restored by the owner) after another 30 days. For this functionality we use a server-side automatic script that scans private content every week and compares the last update date of the content with the current date; if the script finds contents that matches these criteria, the content will be moved to the “Recycle Bin”. This functionality allows us to preserve the netiquette and security of the system.


  • Each time a content is “deleted”, is moved in the “Recycle Bin”.
  • Each time a content is moved to the Recycle Bin, the owner has max 30 days to try to restore it.
  • Whenever a content is moved to the trash, the content and all its statistics will be permanently removed after max 30 days and there will be no possibility of recovery.
  • When a content is moved to the Recycle Bin, no one other than the owner can access or see it.
  • The Recycle Bin list is always private and only the owner of the network-[Network Owner]: [the owner(s) of the referenced network of contents (or Network)] of contents can access.
  • Contents published with the privacy settings set to “Only me” and which have not received any updates from the owners of the content network for over 3 months, will be automatically moved in the Recycle Bin.

Remember to try to save our planet by recycling your garbage

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