From the beginning of next year 2024 there will be a new way to advertise contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - or networks on MYETV; it will be possible to invest your MYCOINS to invite more registered people to follow a specific network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - (only for registered people) or to invite them to watch a specific content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - (for the entire public). These two new modes will work thanks to the new space and it will be possible to advertise an unlimited number of contents, from all the networks you own. The ads platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - is for every registered users and it work also without a special account- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - . In addition to this new way of advertising, there is also the MYAPP Advertisers which allows you to create advertisements only inside the contents and for your own content network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - , which can be extended to multiple networks with a special account; furthermore, there is also MYAPP Publishers which will allow you to earn MYCOINS simply by showing advertisements under your content or within your networks. In all the cases the advertised content will have a label above it alerting the audience that it is sponsored.

Why this advertising platform
The purpose of this advertising platform is to allow you to increase views of content or followers- [Follower: a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] - of networks for all the audience. This advertising platform is unique and is the first time it is built exclusively for MYETV. It is possible to use MYCOINS to start your own campaigns which can be ended at any selected date/time or indefinite when the MYCOINS assigned for that campaign expire. In the future, other advertising methods may also be added which may also contain external websites.
How to add a new campaign and a new ads
To start a new campaign you must be logged in to your MYETV account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - and then simply press the button “campaigns dashboard” and then in the page press the button “add new campaign” and choose which type of campaign to start, whether a “campaign for a content” or a “campaign for a content network” or “campaign for an external website”. You must have at least one free and verified account to start a new campaign.
– The campaign for one content is used if you want to advertise only one content at a time and you want to have multiple views or iterations and the advertisement can be seen by anyone; it is possible to filter the display of the campaign by age group (it will only be displayed by registered users with a specified and known age), by nationality (it will only be displayed by all users of a specific nationality), by the language used on the platform (it will only be displayed by all users who use the specified language) and also by content category (it will only be displayed below all content in that category). This advertisement will be shown in the timeline and also below the contents in different positions (depending on the type of MYAPP- [MYAPPS: applications that the owners of the networks can build within them to add additional functionality to the content or to the entire network] - used by the users).
– The campaign for a content network is used when you want to advertise an entire content network to get more followers and can be seen by all the audience but the follower- [Follower: a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account or network in order to receive your updates] - buttons only by the users registered on the platform. It is possible to filter the display of the campaign by age group (it will only be displayed by users with a specified and known age), by nationality (it will only be displayed by users of a specific nationality), by the language used on the platform (it will only be displayed by users who use the specified language) and also by category of the network (it will only be displayed in networks that talk about that same topic). This advertisement will be shown in the timeline and also below the contents in different positions (depending on the type of MYAPP used by the users).
– The campaign for an external website is used when you want to promote an external website, the system automatically get informations (like title and descriptions) from the website meta tag or og:tags (open graph) and will update them if needed. It is possible to filter the display of the campaign by age group (it will only be displayed by users with a specified and known age), by nationality (it will only be displayed by users of a specific nationality), by the language used on the platform (it will only be displayed by users who use the specified language) and also by content category (it will only be displayed below all content/network in that category). This advertisement will be shown in the timeline and also below the contents in different positions (depending on the type of MYAPP used by the users).
Campaign costs
Campaingns are payed with MYCOINS. The costs of the campaigns also vary depending on the filters used and are calculated on the basis of the CPM (Cost Per Mille) and on the basis of the CPC (Cost Per Click); the cost for the selected filters will be displayed on the screen when add the new campaign. The campaign will be automatically disabled when the MYCOINS assigned to it run out, or if an end date has been set for the campaign it will be automatically paused after that date.
Add or retire MYCOINS
It is possible to add MYCOINS to a campaign during its creation; it is not possible to change the quantity of MYCOINS in the future but it will still be possible to disable the campaign and create a new one. To disable the campaign you must withdraw all MYCOINS remaining from that campaign and re-transfer them to your wallet. Before transferring the MYCOINS it is necessary to pause the campaign; after having transferred the MYCOINS back to your wallet, the campaign will be considered concluded and disabled and it will be possible to add another one for the same content.
Terms of Service
- You can have a maximum of 5 active campaigns with a free account; this limit may increase with a special account.
- The same content or network cannot be advertised twice, it is allowed if the same campaign it’s disabled
- Campaign can be founded only with MYCOINS
- To disable a campaign you must before re-withdraw all the remaining MYCOINS
- Campaigns can be manually paused at any time and re-started later
- Can be assigned a max. of 400 MYCOINS for every single campaign
- The assigned MYCOINS cannot be changed once assigned to a campaign
- It is possible to restrict the display of the campaign by various factors including: nationality, language, age, category.
- It is possible to select more than one category but if the category “all” is selected it means that the advertisement will be displayed in all categories; it is also possible to change it later.
- The effectiveness of the campaign is variable and also determined by the filters set
- CPM and CPC are counted together even if they have two different costs
This document is subjected to changes and updates