Introducing the new ticket moderation system and the knowledge base

Today as the last gift for MYETV’s 16th anniversary we want to present what will be the new MYETV moderation platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - and the knowledge base for the most common problems that can occur using the platform: we called it “Help Desk of MYETV“. The new moderation platform is located at this address this innovative platform, built to be fast, simple, open and transparent, allows anyone to send a reporting ticket which will be processed as quickly as possible by the moderators. Just choose the topic and enter your email and you can send any reporting ticket without mandatory registration, your reports will be automatically assigned to one or more active moderators that will reply as fastest as possible; the ticket, in fact, can always be viewed by entering your email (used when open the ticket) and a “ticket code” which will be assigned and also sent by email when the ticket itself is created. The platform also allows us to create a “knowledge base” or a series of articles based on solutions to the various problems we have already encountered. This innovative platform will also be implemented directly into MYETV in a phased manner; in this way the reports sent via the links already present will be sent automatically and can be assigned to the moderators more easily; when this happens, you will be redirected to the new ticket submission page with all the information already securely pre-filled and you will be able to send the reporting ticket automatically by entering your email as the method of receiving responses. The platform provides for the sending of notifications to the moderator to whom the report has been assigned who must respond within and no later than 3 days, based on the priority of the ticket. The new ticket reporting platform can be translated into 15 different languages, while the articles in the knowledge base will be predominantly in English (with the possibility of automatic translation in the future).

Submitting a ticket

Opening a new ticket is available to anyone by pressing the “Submit a ticket” button and then choosing a topic, the chosen topic will constitute the priority of the ticket. The mandatory fields are: name, email, subject and message; you can also add a maximum of two files from your device and no larger than 8MB each.

Before submitting please make sure of the following:

  • All necessary information has been filled out.
  • All information is correct and error-free.

The platform will:

  • Record the IP Address (recorded at the time of the submission)
  • Record the browser/device used
  • Record the email address
  • Send a resume with the ticket code to the email address

When a moderator responds to you, you will also receive a notification to your entered email address with a summary of the status of the ticket and a direct link to access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - it; you can always access your ticket by entering your email and ticket code.


This platform is a source of pride for us and represents a first step towards clearer and more transparent reporting system, through interaction between people and not artificial intelligence. This moderation platform for content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - and network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - reporting will gradually replace the current platform. All the platform is in testing and open to everyone from today; please note that some features may change or improve over time without being announced.

Terms of Services

  • To open a ticket you need your email address which will be assigned a code once the ticket has been sent; the combination will have to be used later to access the ticket
  • The priority of the ticket is assigned thanks to the initial choice of the ticket topic and will indicate to the moderator how long it will take to respond; the maximum is 3 working days
  • The section for administrators and moderators is protected with two-factor authentication
  • The section for administrators is protected thanks to Cloudflare Zero Trust
  • The platform has its own system to prevent flooding and/or unauthorized access attempts
  • The platform uses Google Re-captcha to ensure that users that sending tickets are not robots
  • It is possible to send a maximum of 2 tickets with the same email address; after which you will have to wait for a response from the moderators
  • Both moderators and the person who wrote the ticket can mark it as “resolved” in order to permanently close the ticket
  • Once the ticket is marked as “resolved” it is no longer possible to reopen it and whoever wrote it will be able to open other tickets
  • The working time of the moderators for each ticket will be recorded and then summed up for the whole month and will represent the working time of each individual moderator; this data can be viewed by the moderator and administrators
  • The knowledge base is based on articles written by moderators or administrators; the tickets, their contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - and the users who resolved them will remain private and will not be included in the articles
  • A ticket will automatically be assigned as “expiring” after 7 days without a further response
  • A ticket will automatically be marked as “resolved” after 14 days without a further response
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