New Notifications System

We’ve recently upgraded the notifications system for all the users on MYETV with new features and improvements. First of all we’ve grouped all the top-header notifications icons (called “notifications, updates and messages” for signed users, and only “notifications” for everyone) and replaced them in this much more elegant way, you must click to the “ellipsis” (…) icon to open/close the notifications system:

The notification system in a normal state

To open the notifications dashboard just press the “ellipses” button; this is an example of the notification dashboard:

The icon represent the notification type and the number above the icons represent the number of notifications unreaded.

NOTIFICATIONS: this tab is available for everyone (registered or unregistered users) and will group system notifications, moderator messages and/or system messages; notifications can be used with the p2p key-[Peer-To-Peer Key]: [it is a key assigned by the central system to the user and can identify him within the same system] and/or username (if registered) to notify about changes in real-time. You cannot reply to this type of notifications.
UPDATES: this tab is available only for registered and logged users and will group artificial intelligence updates, followed network-[Network of Contents]: [is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] updates, contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] updates of the network that is followed and updates in general about what happens.
MESSAGES: this tab is available only for registered and logged users and will group all the private or public messages and comments into all the public or private network owned, comprend also messages from the MYAPP VOX+ feature where available.
+VOX: this tab is available for everyone (registered or unregistered users) and will group all the private messages from the VOX

Notifications, Updates and Messages are encrypted by default. Notifications, Updates and Messages can be deleted from the view and cannot be restored when deleted.

The state of the notifications system group will gracefully changed if something appened and if there are new or unreaded items; as example, there are some of the possibility you can see:

The notifications system with a new update to read

There are many cases that the new notifications system can group all the updates,notifications and messages and will notice you in an elegant way:

Some example of how the system groups the notifications
Some example of how the system groups the notifications

The main menu have a voice called “COMMUNICATIONS” where there are all the links to view the same system also for mobile devices; you can found it in every versions of the website:

(please note: the image above and the real aspect of the features can be change over time) 

All these things will ease the user experience and make the whole website a lot nicer and more user-friendly for everyone; you will never see any numbers at the top of the screen, before you open the notifications system.

I hope you all appreciate this change and all the efforts that we are making to make MYETV better.

Thank you! See you soon!

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「New Notifications System」への3件のフィードバック

  1. ピンバック: The 9th year of MYETV is here: happy birthday the 1st July of 2017 | Official MyeTV Support Blog

  2. ピンバック: 1st July 2017: Happy 9 years MYETV !!! | Official MyeTV Support Blog

  3. ピンバック: Cumulative updates January/February/March 2019 | Official MyeTV Support Blog
