Ce document est intégré à la politique de confidentialité de MYETV


Ce site utilise des cookies sécurisés pour la sauvegarde des informations, les cookies sont stockés sur votre ordinateur et contiendront des informations cryptées sécurisées pour un accès automatique au site (à la demande de l’utilisateur avec l’option “Se souvenir de moi”) ou toute information sur l’affichage des publicités ou des informations techniques sur l’affichage d’une partie de la plateforme. Pour un accès correct au site, il est nécessaire d’activer l’utilisation des cookies dans le navigateur utilisé. Dans le cas où des cookies sont supprimés par l’utilisateur, le site se comportera comme si le cookie n’avait jamais existé. Les cookies sont également utilisés sur le site pour l’authentification anonyme et peuvent lire des informations sur les ordinateurs des utilisateurs non enregistrés. Nous n’achèterons / vendrons / exporterons ni ne fournirons de données d’utilisateur anonyme à des tiers les données des cookies sont stockées sur votre ordinateur et vous avez un contrôle total sur celles-ci. En utilisant ce site Web, vous acceptez cette utilisation des cookies. Parfois, nous utiliserons une combinaison de nouvelles techniques avec des cookies, des sessions html5 et côté serveur et avec un cryptage pour masquer les informations contenues dans le cookie à d’autres.

Politique de confidentialité pour les cookies tiers pouvant être utilisés dans https://www.myetv.tv. Par nature, notre plate-forme utilise du contenu généré par l’utilisateur et il n’est donc pas possible de répertorier tous les cookies possibles qui peuvent être enregistrés en parcourant le contenu généré par l’utilisateur, sauf si vous naviguez dans le “gestionnaire de cookies“; nous utilisons les cookies avec prudence, voici une liste des cookies qui peuvent être utilisés et à partir de quel site Web:


(cookie sécurisé uniquement pour les connexions du domaine exact)

(du domaine myetv.tv)

Nous pouvons utiliser des cookies tiers, tels que des réseaux publicitaires et des échanges, pour nous permettre de vous proposer des publicités. Ces réseaux publicitaires et fournisseurs d’échange tiers peuvent utiliser des cookies tiers, des balises Web ou des technologies similaires pour collecter des informations sur votre visite sur notre site et ailleurs sur Internet. Ils peuvent également collecter l’identifiant de votre appareil, votre adresse IP ou votre identifiant à des fins publicitaires. Les informations collectées par ces tiers peuvent être utilisées pour vous proposer des publicités plus pertinentes sur nos sites ou ailleurs sur le Web.

Pour plus d’informations sur les cookies tiers liés à la publicité, la publicité basée sur les centres d’intérêt et sur la manière de refuser cette pratique par les entreprises participant à l’autoréglementation du secteur, veuillez visiter le site Web correspondant ci-dessous en fonction de votre pays d’origine:


Enfin, vous pouvez gérer, voir et éliminer complètement toutes les informations sur les cookies de MYETV dans le tableau de bord des cookies, dans le site Web, en tant qu’utilisateur anonyme ou connecté sous « PARAMÈTRES – OPTIONS GÉNÉRALES » dans le menu principal (la barre latérale gauche) ou directement avec ce lien: https://www.myetv.tv/?CallAction=cookiesmanager.

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website, and can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to a particular user, or the page itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and so is able to carry information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next.

Are Cookies Enabled in my Browser?

To check whether your browser is configured to allow cookies, visit the Cookie checker. This page will attempt to create a cookie and report on whether or not it succeeded.

For information on how to enable or disable cookies, see ‘Enabling cookies‘.

For information on how to delete and clear cookies, see ‘Deleting cookies‘.

Can I see/view the cookies I have on my computer?

Most browsers have a configuration screen which allows the user to see what cookies have been stored on the computer, and optionally to delete them. For more information, see the viewing cookies page.

Note that it is not possible for a webpage to view cookies set by other sites, as this would represent a privacy and security problem.

Each cookie is effectively a small lookup table containing pairs of (key, data) values – for example (firstname, John) (lastname, Smith). Once the cookie has been read by the code on the server or client computer, the data can be retrieved and used to customise the web page appropriately.

When are Cookies Created?

Writing data to a cookie is usually done when a new webpage is loaded – for example after a ‘submit’ button is pressed the data handling page would be responsible for storing the values in a cookie. If the user has elected to disable cookies then the write operation will fail, and subsequent sites which rely on the cookie will either have to take a default action, or prompt the user to re-enter the information that would have been stored in the cookie.

Why are Cookies Used?

Cookies are a convenient way to carry information from one session on a website to another, or between sessions on related websites, without having to burden a server machine with massive amounts of data storage. Storing the data on the server without using cookies would also be problematic because it would be difficult to retrieve a particular user’s information without requiring a login-[Login]: [an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] on each visit to the website.

If there is a large amount of information to store, then a cookie can simply be used as a means to identify a given user so that further related information can be looked up on a server-side database. For example the first time a user visits a site they may choose a username which is stored in the cookie, and then provide data such as password, name, address, preferred font size, page layout, etc. – this information would all be stored on the database using the username as a key. Subsequently when the site is revisited the server will read the cookie to find the username, and then retrieve all the user’s information from the database without it having to be re-entered.

The time of expiry of a cookie can be set when the cookie is created. By default the cookie is destroyed when the current browser window is closed, but it can be made to persist for an arbitrary length of time after that.

Who Can AccessAccess [the simple access to a website as a visitor] Cookies?

When a cookie is created it is possible to control its visibility by setting its ‘root domain’. It will then be accessible to any URL belonging to that root. For example the root could be set to “whatarecookies.com” and the cookie would then be available to sites in “www.whatarecookies.com” or “xyz.whatarecookies.com” or “whatarecookies.com”. This might be used to allow related pages to ‘communicate’ with each other. It is not possible to set the root domain to ‘top level’ domains such as ‘.com’ or ‘.co.uk’ since this would allow widespread access to the cookie.

By default cookies are visible to all paths in their domains, but at the time of creation they can be retricted to a given subpath – for example “www.whatarecookies.com/images”.

How Secure are Cookies?

There is a lot of concern about privacy and security on the internet. Cookies do not in themselves present a threat to privacy, since they can only be used to store information that the user has volunteered or that the web server already has. Whilst it is possible that this information could be made available to specific third party websites, this is no worse than storing it in a central database. If you are concerned that the information you provide to a webserver will not be treated as confidential then you should question whether you actually need to provide that information at all.

What are Tracking Cookies?

Some commercial websites include embedded advertising material which is served from a third-party site, and it is possible for such adverts to store a cookie for that third-party site, containing information fed to it from the containing site – such information might include the name of the site, particular products being viewed, pages visited, etc. When the user later visits another site containing a similar embedded advert from the same third-party site, the advertiser will be able to read the cookie and use it to determine some information about the user’s browsing history. This enables publishers to serve adverts targetted at a user’s interests, so in theory having a greater chance of being relevant to the user. However, many people see such ‘tracking cookies’ as an invasion of privacy since they allow an advertiser to build up profiles of users without their consent or knowledge.
(with courtesy of whatarecookies.com)

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