We have reached the end of this year in which we have changed everything we could on MYETV starting from the hardware used up to the physical locations of the servers. 2024, then, was definitely the year of the expansion of artificial intelligence in all its aspects, as the images we created for this post demonstrate, and we have also perfected our open source automatic translator based on artificial intelligence; it took a bit of effort but the result was exceptional: today we are able to translate and save the translations made in over 20 different languages, in just a few seconds, with just one click. Results that only a few years ago seemed unattainable. We leave the past for the usual end of year post and now let’s think about the near future, because for these holidays we still have many updates to present to you; we have done a lot but there is still a lot to do and we want to do it while remaining faithful to our vision of putting people at the center, for this reason we would also like you to send us feedback or improvements on MYETV to our new platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - support.myetv.tv so that we can also take inspiration from your ideas. I start by proposing a list of updates that will be made in the next few days until the end of the year, this list will certainly be modified and new features will also be added as a surprise.
- Two new colorfull themes based on the new Pantone color of the year 2025:
- Moucha Mousse 2025 (Dark): this theme color is inspired by the Pantone color of the year 2025 called “Moucha Mousse” with a shadows of wisdom gray and black.
- Moucha Mousse 2025 (Bright): this theme color is inspired by the Pantone color of the year 2025 called “Moucha Mousse” with a shadows of yellow spicy moustard and white
- The warning system about the use of secure cookies for various purposes has been updated; from now on users must accept the use of the cookies before access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - to the platform.
- Thanks to Cloudflare and MYETV we have improved the security and the performances of all the platform till the 2026 by activating some of the unique feature of image optimization and a lot of new features regarding the network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - security. Highly specialized authorized personnel will be able to intervene against any attack that may occur at the network level.
- The error pages of the content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - delivery network and of the entire platform have been customized and improved and now they will also report the possible attack on our internal application firenet.myetv.tv
- MYCOINS will undergo a massive change and the wallet will be renamed to “Virtual Wallet” with a real currency (for example Euro or Dollar); for this change all MYCOINS purchase/top-up/transfer operations will be disabled starting from December 15, 2024 until the beginning of 2025. Starting from the new year, MYCOINS will change their name and will transform into a real currency, spendable only through the MYETV platform.
- Added the currency selection in the edit profile page
- Special account- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - features have been changed
- Roles for public network of contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - are improved to includes customized roles and setup custom permissions
- The social.myetv.tv platform can no longer be used with advanced features (with payments) that will remain accessible only by MYETV staff and social managers and can no longer be used by the public, who will still be able to use it with basic features. This is a temporary measure until we incorporate the payment functionality directly into the application. Special accounts- [Special Accounts: an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] - from 2025 will no longer be able to provide access to advanced features.

- The advertising platform has been improved with detailed statistics (graphs with impressions and clicks) and filters for the list of active/paused/interrupted campaigns
- Improved the sharer- [Sharer: the section of the platform with which the networks can share content, inside or outside of the platform] - platform and the schedule of the contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] -
- For content coming from third party sites (such as YouTube, or other various URLs) the URL checker will be mandatory with the information updated directly from the link at each access to the content

- The speed and performance of the platform have been significantly improved; the first loading speed is 6 milliseconds, the index loading speed is 1 second; we can practically go around the world in the time of a snap of the fingers.
- Improved the timelines also in the play page, now the additional comment of the content is visible inside the timeline before the content
- The additional comment of the content maximum character is changed from 140 max characters to 600 max characters
- MYETV interactive help has been updated and translated into different languages (under the menu: help – interactive help)
- AI translations have been updated and more translations have been added across the entire platform
- Updates for the new My Extensions features:
- The checkbox “extend this extension to all my contents” now is working to selected extensions; this allows you to show the extension under all the contents of the network without select it, one bye one, from the edit content page
- The extension “messenger and comments” is now updated to be show without the click of the mouse, for selected contents or networks
- The abum/series extension can now be played also in the playfeed (or playtime)
- more updates coming soon
- Updates on the native applications- [Native Applications: the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] - :
- Mobile applications:
- Android/FireOS/Samsung applications: the mobile app now show a “picture-in-picture” button (the android logo icon) at the top of the page to push the app in the background and run the app also in background with others app in foreground; the clock at the top of the page is more readable and hide the seconds to save screen energy
- Television/Widescreen applications:
- AndroidTV/FireTV/WebOS applications: the design of some features of the application are changed and imrpoved for tv screens, now the content is no more showing the information under the content but inside the right menu (accessible by the right arrow of the keyboard or the gamepad or the remote control) with a button.
- Mobile applications:
- Fixed a bug in the search page when changing the page number (at the second page numbers disappeared); now the numbers are visible even when changing the page of the results page
- Fixed some security issue when browsing different subdomains as logged user and checking account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - country
- The device association login- [Login: an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] - is improved with new features
- Fixed the qr-code generator to exclude images from caches
- Improved the instantplay (hashtag) page and the remote control (myrc) page
- The waiting page of the contents is updated and improved
- The signup page of MYETV and the cookie policy are improved
- The leftmenu and right menu are improved with a better font
- Updated the privacy policy
- More updtaes to come soon… Stay tuned
Updates will be added in the following days until the beginning of 2025 when most of the stable updates will be released for all platforms; we are really working hard to make sure that all the updates of 2024 are truly epic, some updates made previously will leave the beta test phase to be declared stable.
These will be the last updates of the year for the https://myetv.tv platform, a year full of changes and updates at all levels; we have worked hard to improve and create important platforms that we will continue to carry forward in the years to come. Since the 15th anniversary we have created and continued to improve the advertising platform until we reached this 16th anniversary in which the platform has come out of the beta phase with many improvements and is stable and functional; a milestone in our roadmap that we have managed to reach with many problems also on a technical level, in fact in the first months of 2024 we had to face a major emergency in our main datacenters and we had to change the locations of the main servers of the platform again, thus improving the performance of the new hardware; not to mention the fact that we have finally managed to build a functional private datacenter for our platform with open source software- [Program/Software: the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs] - and hardware of our own. Truly a year full of changes and satisfactions that will be able to help us especially in the coming years. This is not the usual end-of-year post, which, I remind you, we will publish at the end of 2024; for now we wish you a Merry Christmas 2024 and happy holidays and we thank you once again for staying tuned with us.

New updates will be added and presented in this post in the coming days until the beginning of the year 2025.