Over the last few days we have made several design changes affecting some subdomains and also some parts of the MYETV platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - .
- The subdomain at https://blog.myetv.tv (this blog) it has undergone a logo rebranding and a general UI and UIX update and a feature repositioning.

- The subdomain at https://store.myetv.tv and https://store.myetv.tv/ads (the store) has undergone a logo rebranding and a general UI update.

- The subdomain at https://account.myetv.tv (the account- [Account: an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] - dashboard) has undergone a logo rebranding and a general UI update.

- The subdomain at https://support.myetv.tv (the ticket reporting paltform) has undergone a logo rebranding and a general UI and UIX update with new colors.

Main logo does not change
The MYETV trademark remains the same, the logos of the various features have changed to have an even more intuitive user experience right from the start of reading.
Top Toolbar Features
As regards the MYETV platform, the toolbar has been added to the top of the page also on the content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - play page, the numeric keypad pages, the instant play pages and the playtime (or playfeed) pages. This toolbar at the top of the page will only appear when you scroll down the page; the functionality of the toolbar changes depending on the page it is displayed on. The toolbar can contain a left menu and a right menu that can be opened by pressing the relevant button.
Please note: some rebranding will be improved over time and new features will be added as you use it