
The links of TimeWalls are definitely changed

From today 11/02/2017 we have made an important change to the MyeTV‘s world. As stated in our guidelines timewalls are public walls and they were reached, before this change, through this url scheme “https://www.myetv.tv/timewall/[wallname]/“; from today you must reach the public timewalls with this new url scheme “https://www.myetv.tv/[wallname]/“. This changes are applyed to all the new […]

The links of TimeWalls are definitely changed Leggi tutto »

The 7th chapter of #codechange is here: happy Halloween !!!

Hey happy Halloween everyone and welcome to the 7th chapter of the #codechange titled #wearemyetv the codechange are a series of updates, lasting an entire year; this is the seventh and penultimate update. In this update we will present new features and improve all the website capabilities, we have particularly focused on the the MyApp-

The 7th chapter of #codechange is here: happy Halloween !!! Leggi tutto »