Today we are ready to present one of the first new online editor for files, this time esclusively for images stored in MYCLOUD. The editor is a powerfull application to manipulate photo and/or images already uploaded in the MYCLOUD, and it can apply filters, stickers, text, shapes and a lot of more effects at the end the editor will let you download the PNG file with the resulted image ready to be reuploaded in MYCLOUD; at the time of writing the image editor have the following features: filter, resize, crop, draw, text, shapes, stickers, frame, corners, merge. You can access- [Access the simple access to a website as a visitor] - the editor by simply double clicking on the file in your MYCLOUD and selecting “File Editor”:

Once you enter the editor you will be able to view the chosen image ready to be modified:

At the top of the page we can find the unde/redo changes, zoom controls, the history of changes (all changes are always undoable in any moment), and the two buttons for downloading the modified photo to your device or returning to your MYCLOUD without saving. At the bottom of the page are all the features available for editing the image. By pressing a button at the bottom, you can open the actual editing window:

Here I colored the image using the brushes and colors available, but it is also possible to apply many other filters:

As you can see, it is possible to apply more than one filter and more than one effect to the same image, and iot is also possible to customize the settings of the selected effects; it is also possible to add customized frames and borders:

Frames can be customized by the width and borders can be customized by make them rounded; it is also possible to add custom text directly to the image:

Here we have added an example of “Hello World” text, you can also add different shapes with custom colors:

By adding a nice star, we decide that our drawing is complete; do not forget to press on “apply” for all the steps performed. Thus, it will be possible to save the image on your device.

Press the “download” button and the image will be downloaded; it will then be sufficient to go back to your MYCLOUD to re-upload- [Upload: the action by a owners of the network of sending an image or audio or video file (named as content) from the device] - the file including the changes.
As you can see we had fun trying to modify a drawing, but this powerful editor is also really useful on any type of photographs even those just taken via webcam or camera; the procedures are always the same and you will have optimal results.
This new editor is one of the first “File Editors” for MYCLOUD and it will soon be extended with the text editor and the video editor; these editors are the exclusive property of MYETV and can only be used in conjunction with MYCLOUD and the files reserved for users, it is not possible to find or modify files belonging to other users.
This new image editor is considered in beta-testing till the end of the year.