Organizing updates July/August 2018

Hello everyone!
Today we’re presenting to you the next updates on MYETV for these two months; the past days we have improved the platforms to be ready to the next updates and we are trying to move the entire infrastructure to another location, connection problems may have occurred; we’re apologize for that.

In these days we’ve already bring some important updates to the whole platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system]:

  • Now the timeline in “recent watched contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video]” can goes up to +99 contents, when there are new contents
  • The timeline in “recent wathced contents” is fixed to don’t repeat the same content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] when load new contents if there is a new content
  • Time pooling for the timeline new contents notifications is changed; now it is 15 seconds for registered users and 30 seconds for unregistered users.
  • Upload-[Upload]: [the action by a owners of the network of sending an image or audio or video file (named as content) from the device] now can go up to 4GB per file with storege limitation for MYCLOUD
  • MYCLOUD is now opening in a new separated window
  • PREMIUM-[Special Accounts]: [an account with elevated privileges and/or access to special sections] offers is changed and can be visible only to registered users
  • Advertising platform will be integrated with the timeline and with the whole platform (that types of advertising will be controlled only by us). This type of advertising is on testing purposes and will be visible only to unregistered users.
  • Fixed and added new milestones at
  • In the EMSG platform you can now specify your private key to crypt the conversation, for every conversations with networks that you started; this key will be salted and shared only with the owners of that networks. These keys are private and when you change them the whole conversation will be unreadable to anyone (except if you have the key and want to decrypt message one by one).
  • You can now donate to developers directly with PayPal in this blog
  • We’ve activated GitHub pages for Emergency and connection errors located in United States
  • Fixed the edit account-[Account]: [an Account contains the personal information that is assigned to those who register and access with email and password] forms with encryptions for personal informations and public keys (now it’s all work correctly)
  • Fixed an error during the following of the networks (now follow/unfollow it works correctly) and sharing dialog
  • Fixed an error with encyrption of notify/messages that prevented registered users from reading of new messages and notify
  • Fixed the mobile apps checker and now it is show in different way for Microsoft app or Android app or the classical Browser platform.
  • Fixed advertising and some design problems with mobile apps
  • Fixed some bugs with different timezones across the world
  • Restored the fullscreen mode, for every video contents or shared video contents, when watching a content in the timeline in the timeline
  • New feature: now when you press the MYETV’s logo a modal window will be shown and from there you can change settings of the entire website for your current device; there are various type of settings:
    WEBSITE: you can reload the homepage or scroll the page to the top or set some options to change the behavior of the platform like the player’s autoplay, the timeline’s autostart and more options.
                    MOBILE: in addition to the website options, you can also choose to disable the loading of all images to make pages less heavy
                    MOBILE APP: depending on the app and the device used (Microsoft or Android) you can set some options to best customize your experience with that device
  • New feature: only for logged users; you can now build your own private playlist of contents. All the logged users have the ability to save content in lists to find this contents easy later; the default icon is an empty heart but when you choose a list a coloured relative icon will always appear at the top-right of the content in the timeline, these are the lists and the relative icons that you can choose:
    Favorities (icon: heart)
    Star (icon: a star)
    Important (icon: exclamation point)
    Like (icon: thumbs up)
    Dislike (icon: thumbs down)
    when you assign some content in one of these lists you will find that content in this list in the future; you can add or remove contents from lists or move/update them in another list, whenever you want. Lists are private and can be visible only to the owner of the account.
  • Advised contents list are now available only for registered users and is moved in the left menu under the voice “tendencies – contents advised by…”
  • The list “My Advised Contents” is available only in the wall and is visible only to the owner of the wall
  • Fixed some design in emsg and preparing the emsg platform for a next updates

New updates of these months will be noticed as soon as possible when we are upgrading the codes we will inform you in real-time with this post.

Thank you for your reading and your patience and don’t forget to turn back here to see new updates time to time.


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