Android – MYETV Mobile App [Google Play Store]

The app is currently available in Google Play Store for all devices with the latest Android or with minimum version of API level 23 (Android 6.0  Marshmallow). The Android App is developed also for the Amazon AppStore where the app can be downloaded and installed for supported devices. CURRENTLY IN THE GOOGLE PLAY STORE (V9.x)

Android – MYETV Mobile App [Google Play Store] Lire la suite »

Advertising (publisher)

The MYAPP “Advertising (publisher)” is a complete suite of publication of advertisements for publishers available on MYETV with that all networks can take advantage of for graphic promotions (banners) inside the contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] – or in the network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which

Advertising (publisher) Lire la suite »