Translation! Help us.

Hey, it’s translation time at MYETV! The translation engine is builded thanks to artificial intelligence and supervisors who correct the automatic translations of words from english top the selected languages; a sort of machine learning process with the involve of the artificial intelligence. Read more about how we translate text for all the platform and

Translation! Help us. Lire la suite »

WEBOS TV – MYETV for TV [LG Content Store]

The app is currently available in LG Content Store for all Webos TV devices. The App for TV devices is developed also for the Amazon AppStore where the app can be downloaded and installed for supported devices. NATIVE APP- [Native Applications: the applications available for any operating system (eg. Microsoft, Android, FireOs) downloadable and installable] –

WEBOS TV – MYETV for TV [LG Content Store] Lire la suite »