From the Developers

Help MyeTV

Help and Guidelines for MyeTV HomePage You can find the MyeTV Homepage here; the homepage is different if you accessAccess [the simple access to a website as a visitor] logged in or unlogged. It require the registration if you access at it unlogged; when you logged in you can find in it your friendlist, your […]

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Advertise on MyeTV

UPDATE 02/2016: with the #codechange update the adplatform is finally under development here:   “The end will never be an end, if you can start again” – cit. Me (Hey let me become famous!) From today we’re shutting down the MyADV project to make it part of MyeTV and all of our family!!! In the near

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The #codechange is started; please wait for the completion of works on the website

The #newmyetv is coming!!! As i wrote in the 4th chapter of the #codechange, called #innovation, we are  revolutionizing the entire website with new codes and new features. We are jumping from our beloved script language asp from a real code language php; for that we need some time to make all the features work and back online again.

The #codechange is started; please wait for the completion of works on the website Lire la suite »

LiveStreaming and Private Messaging #features #newwebsite

This isn’t a new chapter of the #codechange but just some little considerations about new features and how they will be implemented in the new website; i never talked yet about live streaming-[Live Streaming]: [a live audio/video stream] but it’s time to make some considerations, now i have a chance in view of the forthcoming updates of search

LiveStreaming and Private Messaging #features #newwebsite Lire la suite »