Fast Search, Instant Play, Search in MyWalls, Search People and MyWalls

Hard work are hard works; for example the search engine-[Search Engine]: [is the application that deals with the search for content, networks or anything else on the platform] of MyeTV is an hard work. We are innovating our search engine with some really cool features ready for all the users, especially for cats and people

Fast Search, Instant Play, Search in MyWalls, Search People and MyWalls Lire la suite »

Drag&Drop Uploads – Just a few seconds to upload something

One of the most exciting feature on MYETV is the new drag&drop square for the upload-[Upload]: [the action by a owners of the network of sending an image or audio or video file (named as content) from the device] (video or images); now you can upload something with just a few clicks of the mouse

Drag&Drop Uploads – Just a few seconds to upload something Lire la suite »