Hello World! Hello all!!! Thanks to the works done on MyeTV and our Content Delivery Network we will talk today of the new insight section of MyeTV.
After being crazy for some fun here (but i really try to be a good guy), we’re getting to the heart of the Mega-Pack updates v4, mentioned some post ago. Today we present to you our new General Statistics section, available only for registered users.

“General Statistics” button
You can find it in the left sidebar of MyeTV; under the main menu “Statistics”.
What we track here
We track anonymously every data transmissions from our servers; we decided, from today, to make this data (or part of it) available for all the public, anonymously. This data are server managed; this means that we take the data in real time from our cdn and then we translate them so that they are legible to the public. This data comes from our CloudFlare Network and are certified from our CDN. This data are in real time; this means that every day will be updated with new data.
Technical and coding issue
For this type of charts we using some of our own set of javascript plugins named morris and a library called raphael; they will think to make the data readable. We will add more charts soon, always in the same plugin. Please note that if you find some bugs or want others informations, send an email at admin@myetv.tv
Only for registered users
This feature is available only for registered and logged users.
Please note: we will add more chart soon, in this feature. We will work also on the feature “My Statistics” currently in development.
Thanks to you all!
As always, i thank you all for your interesting in the wonderfull project. I really love you all and don’t think that you can detach your eyes from the screen!!! We will work very hard to make you a nice surprise soon!!! Stay tuned, folks!!!