Cloudflare is the official content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - distribution network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - of MYETV and is the main provider of our services; it is a distribution network of hundreds of servers around the world and allows us to be high-performance and fast thanks to an extended cache and with international cyber security features: we are connected to the major cyber security experts around the world and we manage the various firewalls connected directly to our network, we have very sophisticated equipment that allows us to monitor all traffic quickly and all this thanks to their service. We are proud to renew our partnership, with the platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - , until 2026 and to announce a continuous annual renewal until 2030.
We thank you all for this success and we trust in years full of satisfaction and improvements on MYETV