
MYETV restrictions for Network of Contents

The MYETV Restrictions is an exclusive proud feature of MYETV initially created for contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] restrictions; this feature gain a lot of success to help moderators and content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] owners to identify something or somewhat that should be advised

MYETV restrictions for Network of Contents Читать дальше »

GEOIP Restrictions for every contents

Having a worldwide responsibility is tiring and sometimes cost some money and time. Working with ISO codes (Country and Languages) is fun; more fun is when you don’t know nothing about geography but you have to learn :D so, we start learning using these very interesting features. Updates 07/07/2023: now the owner of the content-[Content Owner]: [the

GEOIP Restrictions for every contents Читать дальше »

SafeTV: the Artificial Intelligence for good

SAFETV The brand new “SafeTV” feature inside MYETV is an union of tools  to keep the community safe; the artificial intelligence can notice the users, under certains conditions, if the content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video] that they are watching have some sort of restrictions like PEGI, age notification, geoip, geolanguage

SafeTV: the Artificial Intelligence for good Читать дальше »