
Organizing updates March/April 2018

This year we will experiment a new schedule for MYETV‘s updates: every two months; this will bring us more time to improve features and all the platform-[Platform]: [the the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system]. March/April 2018

Organizing updates March/April 2018 Читать дальше »

The 7th chapter of #codechange is here: happy Halloween !!!

Hey happy Halloween everyone and welcome to the 7th chapter of the #codechange titled #wearemyetv the codechange are a series of updates, lasting an entire year; this is the seventh and penultimate update. In this update we will present new features and improve all the website capabilities, we have particularly focused on the the MyApp-[MYAPPS]:

The 7th chapter of #codechange is here: happy Halloween !!! Читать дальше »

LiveStreaming and Private Messaging #features #newwebsite

This isn’t a new chapter of the #codechange but just some little considerations about new features and how they will be implemented in the new website; i never talked yet about live streaming-[Live Streaming]: [a live audio/video stream] but it’s time to make some considerations, now i have a chance in view of the forthcoming updates of search

LiveStreaming and Private Messaging #features #newwebsite Читать дальше »