On July 1, 2024 we celebrate 16 years since the MYETV was built for the first time; we celebrate the anniversary every year and it is always an important event for those who really follow us every day. This year we have a lot of updates to do on the roadmap which concern a series of things such as updates on MyCloud, updates on dates and time zones, improvements in response speed, technical updates on infrastructure lines, addition and improvements of various features, important updates on the advertising platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - , improvements on notifications system, improvements on content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - moderation… But there is much more that we will discover when we present the complete list of updates and features. We have already given ourselves some gifts, such as the change of line and infrastructure that we carried out from April to May 2024 with network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - improvements never seen before; furthermore, we have recently physically activated the various Cloudflare tunnels directly from our origin, officially entering one of the fastest networks in the world, as regards the distribution of static pages. These tunnels allow us to better control our content delivery network actively through firewalls at the global network level, device posture settings, security settings with DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS protocols, anonymous logs of the global network, furthermore it also allows us to configure reserved spaces with two-factor authentication at the global network level. A small revolution that will only bring benefits to the entire infrastructure.

Above we have carried out a ping in various countries in the world and as you can see the tunnel allows the IP of the hostname of the platform to be changed dynamically and intelligently, depending on where the request was made; furthermore we also have the possibility of knowing if there is a problem somewhere in the world and the traffic is redirected, via our discord server on the channel called “Network Status” here: https://discord.gg/BdvkEbk3gY
Thanks also to these configurations and the new network infrastructure that we activated a month ago, we managed to earn the significant increase of loading speed of all the resources of the platform; taking the speed of the main pages, the result achieved for the first time ever is truly impressive:

We just have to wait until July 1, 2024 for MYETV’s 16th birthday and find out about all the new features and surprises we are preparing.