We added a new feature for when you add new contents- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - on MYETV. The MYETV restrictions will help our users to identificate the age restriction for online videos, audio, images, posts, games, networks and more; restrictions can be applied to the contents but also to the network of contents- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - . For network- [Network of Contents: is the channel in which owners can post their content and the audience can see the contents posted by the owners] - restrictions, please read here: https://blog.myetv.tv/2019/07/28/myetv-restrictions-for-network-of-contents/
For contents, when a user views a content- [Contents: every content intended as text, images, audio or video] - that contain one of the following attributions an icon will be show at the top left of the content or in the timeline.
18+: This content is intended for 18+ years old audience
Automatic restrictions applied: “this content is only for adults; you must login- [Login: an act of logging in to a computer, database, website or system] - and confirm your birthday date to continue. This restriction does not allow the autoplay; you must play the content manually. The thumbnail of the content will be obscured for any not logged users. The content will be visible in the timeline only on the homepage of the network (not the myetv.tv homepage).”
16+: This content is intended for 16+ years old audience
Automatic restrictions applied: “it is recommended the vision of this content together with an adult or with a person of at least 16 years old. We recommend you to follow these rules to understand what you see. This restriction does not allow the autoplay; you must play the content manually.”12+: This content is intended for 12+ years old audience
Automatic restrictions applied: “it is recommended the vision of this content together with an adult or a person of at least 12 years old. We recommend you to follow these rules to understand what you see.”Violence: content may contain depictions of violence
Automatic restrictions applied: “this content may have scenes of violence; please make sure that the content comes from a reputable and trusted source and can not alter the sensitivity of the people watching now. This restriction does not allow the autoplay; you must play the content manually.”Bad Language: content may contain bad language
Automatic restrictions applied: “this content may have bad languages on the audio or it can have scenes that should not be repeated; please make sure that the content can not alter the sensitivity of the people watching now.“Fear: content may be frightening or scary for young children
Automatic restrictions applied: “this content may have scenes that generate fear in the viewer; please make sure that the content comes from a known source and that it can not affect sensitive people who are watching.“Sex: content depicts nudity and/or sexual behaviour or sexual references
Automatic restrictions applied: “this content may have scenes of explicit sex; please make sure that the content can not alter the sensitivity of the people watching now. This restriction does not allow the autoplay; you must play the content manually.”Drugs: content refer to or depicts the use of drugs
Automatic restrictions applied: “this content may have scenes that talk about drugs or any other dangerous substance; please make sure that the content can not alter the sensitivity of the people watching now.”Discrimination: content may contain depictions of, or material wich may encourage, discrimination
Automatic alert applied: “this content contains depictions of, or material which may encourage, discrimination. Please, evaluate what you are watching”Gambling: content that encourage or teach gambling
Automatic alert applied: “this content may encourage or teach gambling. Please, evaluate what you are watching”Online Promotions: content that may contain ad spot of online services
Automatic alert applied: “this content may contains Internet Promotions. Please, evaluate what you are watching”Flash Lights: content that may contain scenes with possible flash or flashing lights
Automatic alert applied: “this content may contains Flashing Lights. These flashing lights can cause epilepsy or other problems at high resolutions; please make sure no one suffers from these problems while watching.”Fast Scenes: content that may contain scenes that change quickly sequentially for less than a second
Automatic alert applied: “this content may contains Fast Scenes that changing in less than 1 second. These fast changing scenes can cause some problems like light hypnosis to some type of viewers; please make sure no one suffers from these problems while watching.”Manipulation: content that may contain scenes that try to maniuplate you.
Automatic alert applied: “this content may contains Manipulation. Pay attention to everything you hear and see, some scenes could be artfully edited for pure media manipulation; please make sure that all the audience understand this.”Not Verified News: content that may contain news from not verified sources or without sources.
Automatic alert applied: “this content may contains Not Verified News. Pay attention to everything you hear and see, some news in this content haven’t verified source specified or have incomplete information; please make sure that all the audience understand this.”
Here there are some sample icons that your contents can show, if any of the content is classificated in that restriction.
You can set yourself the “Age Restrictions” for your contentsor or, if that is necessary, a moderator will set it for you and block you from edit the classification for that content. All the MYETV’s Restrictions icons are an exclusive of the MYETV platform- [Platform: the set of the main domain and all the subdomain of a particular website; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system] - .
As a result of the 14th anniversary update for contents restrictions we have split the primary restriction (consisting of a single selection) from the secondary ones (consisting of a maximum of 4 selections); the primary restriction will be the one that will produce an effect on the content (eg obscure it if the content is for adults only) while the secondary restrictions will be informative only and will not affect behavior and viewing.
PLEASE NOTE: this Platform is not builded for censorship prevention but for making the community safe and secure for everyone (technical restrictions are only for autoplay to prevent unauthorized play of the content); all the abuses, if there, will be immediately valuated and every moderator can change the restriction type in every moment.