New official icons for devices

Please note: MYETV logo is a Registered TradeMark- [Trademark: a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a particular company, and that it cannot be used by other companies without permission] - ™ in Italy as described here: https://blog.myetv.tv/2015/04/11/myrc-update-is-live-with-the-new-trademark-for-myetv/ Today we’ve add new information in the code about our officials

New official icons for devices 続きを読む »

Tacking of 180 degrees in air

We’ve welcomed you to the new MyeTV with our exclusively codechange managed the whole past year; however, work is not done yet. Some features are currently in development included the new website timewall.tv. From today we’ve flip the elements in the header of 180 degrees for every users in the world; we think it’s a more comfortable and simple UI,

Tacking of 180 degrees in air 続きを読む »