Continuum – Play the Next Content (Beta)

For MYETV’s 13th birthday we are continuing to release major feature updates, even with several unannounced surprises; now the “continuum” feature is also available on the “play” page, ie inside the content-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video]. The feature, if enabled, will automatically start the first content in the “Related Contents-[Contents]: [every content intended as text, images, audio or video]” list, thus creating a loop between the related contents.
Currently this feature is not available for TV devices. (coming soon)

Hello everybody, today MYETV have a new way to watch the contents in the timeline: “Continuum – Play the Next Content” it’s a feature on Beta Test from today. Continuum works everytime you watch contents inside the timeline or lists, when the content is finished it will automatically jump to the next content available in the timeline; scrollbars will scrool to the bottom, the next content, and the artificial intelligence will open it automatically.

This feature is in beta testing and will be available for everyone from today as default option; you can disable it or enable just the loop in the “Mobile Settings” / “MYETV Settings” or by clicking the button “Loop” (testing). You have 3 options:
– CONTINUUM (Play next content): it will play the next content inside the current timeline
– Loop YES: allows the content to infinite loop when it’s finished
– Loop NO: disallow the loop of the content and stop it when it’s finished

You can use this feature everytime you are watching a content inside the timeline; in the play page the content will simply self loop alone. This feature works with cookies.

This is one of the new features in this update; enjoy it!!! Stay tuned for more, folks… Have a nice day!!! 

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  1. Pingback: The 20th chapter of updates: September/October 2018 | Official MyeTV Support Blog

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